015. what's eating vienna prescott?

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act one.

chapter fifteen: what's eating  vienna prescott?

chapter fifteen: what's eating  vienna prescott?

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"some memories never leave your bones. like salt in the sea, they become part of you, and you carry them."

•.¸¸.•'¨* •.¸¸.•*'¨•.¸¸.•'¨'


She was in the bathroom, she remembered exactly how it looked, of course she did. Not only because of her eidetic memory, but because of the trauma as well.

She remembered how heavy the door into the bathroom was, she remembered how the rusty stall doors squealed as she came out of them. She recalled how little water pressure was in the sink when she lathered her hands with the tiny bar of soap.

But most of all, she recalled the sudden screams from the outside of the bathroom, the dust in the air as she ran out of the heavy door. The screams, the rocks rolling, her dad's crushed body. How her eyes watered, both from tears and the dust collecting in them.

The dust, her mother, her brother. The dust, the soap, the door, the bathroom. The dust, the rusty hinges, her dad's tear streaked face as he said his finally goodbyes.

The dust, the dust. So much dust.

Dust, dust....

She woke up, nearly paralyzed in fear. She soon realized that she wasn't in that horrible landslide, but she was in her bed.

She brushed some hair from her face, beads of sweat clinging to her dark hairline. It was just a dream, not real life.

But it was real life, it had been Vienna's life seven years ago.

Her breathing was heavy as she fumbled across her bedside table for her glasses. She needed to take a walk around the house.

As she began shuffling towards the door, she kicked something. No, someone,

"What the-" She whispers to herself.

Then, of course, she remembered.

She had hardly slept these past few days, and she had been refusing to sleep alone. One night, she slept in Lia's room, and the other nights Michael had slept on the floor next to her bed.

She felt bad about that, but he was insistent on the matter.

Maybe because of her nightmares, but he had been a bit more overprotective of her since she received that letter in the mail.

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