006. subtle foreshadowing

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act one.

chapter six: subtle foreshadowing

"If I knew it all then, woud I do it again?" Billie Eilish

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"If I knew it all then, woud I do it again?"
Billie Eilish

•.¸¸.•'¨* •.¸¸.•*'¨•.¸¸.•'¨'


All of the naturals were seated in various spaces, preparing for Locke's lecture on organized killers in comparison to disorganized  ones.

Vienna was seated next to Michael, Sloane across from her, and Cassie next to her at one of the tables which had four chairs. Lia and Dean were sitting on one of the couches next to the table, Dean was sitting straight up while Lia  was lying down, legs draped off the edge of the black couch.

It was the Monday after Dean and Vienna had made the trip to Idaho to talk to Devon, and Vienna had already received a call from the young boy. He was staying at a boys home, and had already made friends with one of the other boys, James, who was also his roommate.

Vienna was glad that he hadn't been upset to live at a boy's home, because Vienna imagined it wasn't as glamorous as Briggs had described to him, though he seemed to be adapting well.

Locke walked into the room, though she didn't look like herself. she appeared to be on edge, though her outfit was put together. "Good morning, everyone. I have to-be leaving soon...but, uh, I told Briggs I'd give you all a lesson on organized vs. disorganized killers before I have to go." she walks over to the large white board, drawing a chart, splitting it down the middle and adding both different types of killers to either side.

"Alright." Locke clicks open a red dry erase marker, yawning.

Michael looks to vienna and speaks under his breath. "She looks like she didn't get much sleep last night. I wonder what she was doing, or who-"

Vienna gives him a look, and Locke was also staring at him. "Michael, could you give me the basic definition of a disorganized killer."

"Uh-" he looks to Vienna for help.

"Nope, you can't  ask her for help."

"Uh, their rooms aren't clean?"

"Good lord." Locke squeezes her eyes shut. "Does anyone else know the answer?"

Vienna was the first to raise her hand eagerly.

"Fine, Vienna, what is it?"

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