001. chocolate chip pancakes

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act one.

chapter one: chocolate chip pancakes

"The best people come unexpectedly"-unknown

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"The best people come unexpectedly"

                •.¸¸.•'¨* •.¸¸.•*'¨•.¸¸.•'¨'

"DID YOU KNOW THAT THERE IS EVIDENCE THAT DATES PANCAKES BACK TO THE STONE AGE?" Vienna Prescott asks as she sits at the kitchen island, watching Judd Hawkins prepare pancakes for herself and the other Naturals.

"I did not." Judd says quietly, flipping a couple pancake, the half-cooked breakfast items sizzling as they hit the pan once more. "That's quite interesting."

"It is! In fact, historians speculate that 30,000 years ago, they were making pancakes by grinding grains together with water and cooking them on rocks. Though the first written record of pancakes wasn't until Ancient Greece, when a poet called Cratinus described pancakes in one of his writings. Ancient Rome also  referred to their fried pancakes as 'alia dulcia' which is Latin for 'other sweets'." Her voice was very quick.

Judd slowly turned around, plate of pancakes in hand, looking rather tired. It was early in the morning.

"Exactly how much coffee did you have before I came in here?"

Vienna grimaces. "Not more than usual."

Judd gives her a look as Micheal Townsend and Dean Redding entered the kitchen.

"Uh oh, what have you done now, Vienna?" Michael plops down in the seat next to her, Dean on his other side.

"I was just telling Judd about the history of pancakes and then he accused me of drinking a ton of coffee." Vienna explains.

"Did you drink a ton of coffee?" Dean piped up.

"That's entirely beside the point, I think." Vienna traces her finger on the rim of the crisp white mug in front of her.

"You know, this wouldn't be an issue if Sloane hadn't gotten you addicted to caffeine." As if on cue, Sloane Tavish and Lia Zhang enter the kitchen.

"I liked coffee before, Sloane just taught me how to do it right."

Sloane smiled as she looks at Vienna.

"You're an enabler." Michael looks at Sloane. "Both of your hearts are probably going to stop one of these days because of the pure amount of caffeine you both consume."

"Actually, you'd have to consume over 400 milligrams of caffeine per day for an extended period of time, years even, to even have a very small effect on your lifespan." Sloane says.

"Even the 'dangerous' caffeine devices such as energy drinks don't change your lifespan, unless you're drinking more than two or three per day." Vienna adds.

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