blaise zabini: finding them crying in bed

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you gently push open the door to his room, thinking he's already asleep. you tiptoe inside, wanting to see him peacefully sleeping. but instead, as you get close to the bed, you notice his quiet sobs. your smile fades, and you softly ask, "are you crying?"

his eyes widen a little, caught off guard by your presence. he quickly wipes away his tears, trying to play it cool. "nah, i'm fine. just tired," he mutters, avoiding your gaze.

you smirk slightly, seeing through his tough act. "sure, a tough guy like you just cries when he's tired," you tease gently.

he lets out a soft, reluctant chuckle, his facade cracking just a little. "shut up," he says, trying to hide the hint of vulnerability in his voice. but then he lets out a soft sob, unable to hold it back completely.

you immediately drop the playful tone and walk closer to him, sitting on the edge of the bed. your expression changes to one of concern.

he turns away from you, embarrassed by his own tears. "it's nothing. i'm just being stupid." he mutters, his voice quivering slightly.

you reach out to touch his shoulder, a soothing gesture. "hey, it's okay to be vulnerable. you know you can talk to me, right?"

he nods silently, still facing away from you. but he doesn't protest when you stay seated next to him, silently offering your presence.

he doesn't say anything, but he pulls you closer, silently guiding you to lie down next to him. he holds you tight, your head resting on his chest. his hand instinctively finds its way to your hair, gently caressing it, as if you were the one seeking comfort.

and as he does, his own tears continue to fall, his body shaking slightly. he grips you tighter, like you're his lifeline in this moment of vulnerability.

you feel the rise and fall of his chest as he fights to regain his composure. his fingers tangle in your hair, seeking comfort in the simple act of touching you.

despite his attempts to keep it together, a few soft sobs escape him, the sound muffled by your presence. he buries his face in your hair, his chest heaving with the weight of his emotions.

after a few moments of silent vulnerability, he finally finds his voice. "i'm sorry," he mumbles, his voice rough with unshed tears. "i didn't mean to fall apart like this."

he loosens his grip on you a little, as if realizing he's been holding onto you tightly. his hand moves from your hair to your back, drawing small circles with his fingertips.

you tilt your head up to look at him, seeing the vulnerability still etched on his face. you then ask softly, "is there anything i can do to make you feel better?"

he considers your question for a moment, the weight of his emotions still heavy on his shoulders. then he shrugs slightly. "just stay here with me. just... being near you helps more than you know." he says quietly.

he continues to sniffle silently, refusing to let go of you. his grip on you remains firm, as if he needs the comfort of your closeness.

you can't help but tease him a little, noticing how he's holding you as if you're the one in need of soothing. "you know, it's usually me who's crying like this," you say, gently rubbing his back.

he lets out a scoff, but it's tinged with a hint of amusement. "maybe i've finally caught up to your emotional levels," he says, his voice a little shaky.

he pulls you closer, nuzzling his face into your hair. "just shut up and let me hold you for a while."

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