draco malfoy: finding them crying in bed

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you wake to the sound of soft, muffled sobs in the stillness of the room. disoriented, you listen, hearing a sharp intake of breath followed by a trembling exhale. turning over, you see him lying beside you, his back to you, shoulders shaking slightly as he curls inward. draco is crying.

gently, you reach out, your hand brushing against his back. he stiffens but doesn't pull away. his breath is shaky, sobs faltering.

"draco?" you whisper, moving closer, your hand resting on his back.

his body remains tense, and he tries to steady his breathing. "go back to sleep," he murmurs, his voice thick. "please... don't."

you ignore the protest, wrapping an arm around his waist. "talk to me," you urge softly, your breath warm against the back of his neck. "i'm right here."

he shifts, trying to pull away, but you hold on. "i don't want you to see me like this," he mutters, his voice cracking.

gently, you turn him over, your hand guiding his shoulder. his face is streaked with tears, his eyes closed in an attempt to hide. "look at me, draco," you say softly, brushing your fingers along his jaw. "please. let me see you."

you sit up, shifting him so his head rests in your lap, brushing the hair from his forehead in a calming gesture. his sobs quiet, though his shoulders still tremble as he opens his eyes, looking up at you with vulnerability that makes your heart ache.

"i don't know who i am anymore," he whispers, his fingers twisting nervously in your lap. "i've been trying to be who my father wants me to be for so long, it's all i've ever known. now i'm not sure if there's anything left of me that's really mine, or if it's all just a lie i've been living."

his voice cracks with emotion, his cheeks damp from fresh tears. "i don't want to be defined by my family's name, by their mistakes. but i feel stuck, like i can't break free." he buries his face against your stomach, shuddering faintly. "i'm so tired of being strong. i'm so tired of pretending."

lifting his head slightly, his eyes meet yours, raw with fear. "promise me you'll stay," he whispers, his voice trembling. "tell me you won't leave me, even if i'm... this. broken."

you can feel his fear of abandonment rising, the insecurity in his voice palpable. "i'll never leave you," you respond, running your fingers gently through his hair, offering him silent comfort.

his eyes flutter closed as he leans into your touch, his body slowly relaxing under your hand. "you won't?" he asks, his voice so quiet it's almost a whisper, full of doubt.

"no," you murmur, fingers continuing their soothing motion. "i'm not going anywhere." you gently tilt his chin up, guiding his gaze to yours.

his eyes are wide, vulnerable, searching for any sign of dishonesty. "even like this?" he asks, his voice raw and uncertain.

"especially like this," you answer firmly, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his forehead.

he softens, relief flickering across his face. his hand, now resting on your cheek, traces your jawline gently. "i don't deserve you," he murmurs, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip.

"i'm not good," he continues, his voice barely above a whisper. "i'm not kind. i'm not good to others. but i'll be good to you."

the vulnerability in his eyes is deeper now, mixed with a fierce intensity. his words are quiet, sincere, as he cups the nape of your neck, pulling you closer. "i'll try to be good for you. i promise."

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