mattheo riddle: finding them crying in bed

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you walk into his room, eager to share the events of your day. but as you speak, you notice the silence, he isn't responding. confused, you step closer and see him lying there, face buried in the pillow.

his fists are clenched so tightly his knuckles turn white, and then you hear it, a soft, heart-wrenching sob. you freeze, realizing something is terribly wrong.

"mattheo?" you call out, gently shaking him.

he murmurs quietly, "go away."

you don't give up. "come on, what's wrong?" you ask softly, your voice gentle but insistent.

suddenly, he sits up, his body rigid, and snaps at you, "go away!" his voice is sharp, filled with anger and pain. when you see his tear-streaked face, your heart aches.

the moment he realizes he's yelled at you, his entire demeanor crumbles. his anger melts away, replaced by deeper grief, and he breaks down, sobbing uncontrollably.

you sit on the bed, close enough to let him know you're there but still a safe distance away. "mattheo, please... talk to me," you urge softly. "i'm here for you, but i can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong."

he avoids your gaze, his voice a broken whisper. "i hate myself," he says, barely audible. "i hate everything. i can't do anything right. i'm a fuck-up. i'm useless."

the pain in his voice is palpable. each word cuts you deeply. "i'm not good enough. i'll never be good enough," he continues, his voice bitter, resentful. "i'm just a failure. a loser. i ruin everything. i'm just a mistake. i don't deserve anything good. i don't deserve you."

he looks up at you, eyes rimmed with tears, like he's silently begging you to agree. he believes every hateful word he's saying.

you reach out, gently cupping his face, making him look into your eyes. your touch is soft, reassuring. "that's not true," you say firmly. "not a single word of that is true. you're not a failure. you're not a loser. you're not a mistake. you deserve good things. you deserve happiness."

he stares at you, wide-eyed, waiting for you to retract your words. he takes a shaky breath, his body tense, as if the kindness in your voice is foreign to him. "i am a failure," he mutters, his voice hoarse. "i ruin everything."

he clenches his jaw, his face contorted with despair and anger. "i'll just end up ruining you too, you know," he murmurs, bitterness lacing his words. "i ruin everything i touch. i'll just... break you too."

he turns his gaze to the floor, shoulders slumped as if he expects you to leave at any second. he doesn't understand how you can still be here, after seeing him like this, broken and vulnerable.

you caress his cheek, your touch gentle and soothing. slowly, you tilt his head up so your eyes meet. you lean in, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, then softly to his face, showering him with affection. you repeat your reassurances, your voice low and steady. "you won't break me," you murmur, kissing him again. "i'm tough. i know what i want, and... i want you."

your words, combined with your gentle kisses, begin to break through the walls he's built around himself. his body relaxes under your touch, the tension slowly fading.

he reaches up, gripping your wrists, holding onto you as if you're his lifeline. his voice is barely audible when he whispers, "i don't deserve you." his hands tremble as they clutch your wrists. "i don't deserve you," he repeats, his voice a soft murmur against your skin.

he pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you tightly, his face burying into the crook of your neck. he's desperate for your touch, his guard slowly crumbling as you continue to hold him.

he mumbles against your skin, his voice a quiet confession. "i'm afraid," he whispers. "i'm afraid i'll lose you like i've lost everything else."

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