Layla 20

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Layla 20


I am stunned after reading the last chapter. I am also choked on tears reading that that. If my theory is correct, what ever happened next killed RJ. RJ possibly died because he was a transgender. I can't imagine something like that happening to Mickey. The thing about RJ story was that it was something lot of people here go through.

   I take my phone and call Suba. I ask if she could come over and she agrees. Meanwhile I surf through the net. I have no clue which year RJ was born but based on the story I'll roughly place him 19s. I Google Rachel Jones. I try scrolling down to get some older news but I find nothing. Then I search Rachel Jones murdered. Yet again I find nothing.

   I wait for Suba to read the chapter before asking, "So what do you think?"

   "Poor guy. That's such a shitty thing for his parents to do. They should be put in jail but the problem is here parents are allowed to hit their kids sadly."

   "But there is still child line. RJ could have called child helpline. Gone to the cops. But he didn't why?" I questioned. Clearly Suba didn't see anything paranormal about that chapter.

   "Mm maybe he was scared?"

   "Or being Trans wasn't legal and there was no child helpline?" I suggested.

   "What are you saying?"

   "Girl did you read or skim?" I raised an eyebrow.

   "Hehe maybe."

   I rolled my eyes and took the laptop. I scrolled through to the paragraph about the shadow and made her read it. After she did I held out my hand for her to wait and then went to the Para about RJ living in the house. She read it and frowned.

   "RJ didn't have a shadow. Only humans have a shadow right?" I looked at her.

   "But how? Santa said RJ died only recently."

   "Maybe it's a different guy?" I suggested.

   "In the same house he suggested?"

   I shrugged. "Look a lot of things don't add up. This is the second or third RJ has mentioned about living in the house. And very specifically this time. Also how old do you think RJ is? I don't think he is a old dude. According to Michael RJ hasn't aged a bit. Maybe it is because he is trans so no beard and stuff but it not like trans people look the same forever. Especially five years," I pointed out.

   "Maybe he didn't remember well? Cmon Layla are you seriously saying your boyfriend's boyfriend was a ghost and he didn't know it?"

   "Well I'm sure he was aware when he wrote the book if not he wouldn't mention such things. I think Michael is pretty aware of what he's doing. He wants the readers to dig deep about the mystery of RJ," I explained.

   "I don't know man. I don't believe in ghosts. That's all bozo," she said and I rolled my eyes.

   I scrolled down to the last paragraph and made her read it again before I went on, "I think what ever happened then killed RJ that is why he couldn't talk about it. Look her." I pointed at the screen. "He says the event will reveal another truth which could be the fact that he IS a ghost," I said emphasizing the is.

   Suba crossed her arm still looking unconvinced. "I spoke to him on call Layla. Can ghosts video chat? And if he was a ghost how did Michael see him?"

   "I don't know about the call but I'm hoping the book will answer it. You said he wore face mask right? Maybe that's why you could see him because of what was on him-"

   "I don't get it."

   "Gosh you really need to search on ghosts...You know how when people are invisible how pouring paint on them makes them visible? Maybe something like that or Michael's the answer. Maybe he's RJ's destined soul mate that making him more lively because he does mention that mickey makes him feel things he never felt before."

   "Hmm I don't know..."

   "Look how is that no body has seen him? He walks around that house. He sleeps in their backyard. Let doenst he have a house? He seems to always be there. He stoll Catherine's dress not once but twice and even from Maria but no one noticed a thing. How is that possible. Okay let's say he is that good at hiding. Maria has told me the neighbours have seen Michael talking to himself. Like surely RJ isn't going to be aware about a passerby that accidentally stumbled on them for him to hide. So how come they never saw him?" I questioned.

   "Okay Layla maybe it is true. But what happened to RJ we still don't have proof that he is dead."

   "Well that's something we are going to find out," I said in determination.

   We took a stroll to Michael's old house again. I wanted to enquire about the house and the incident that happened there. I remember the old man saying something about it being cursed. The house beside it where the dog was, was locked. It has been locked for awhile now. We didn't want to go to Santa's house. So we went to the second house on the right. A lady with a baby on her hips opened the door. We already seen her that day hopefully she doesn't recognize us.

   "Do you know what happened to house numbers 12?" I asked.

   She frowned. "Why do you want to know?"

   "My fiance lived there and when we came back it was burnt. What happened?"

   She let us in and we sat on the chairs she put out for us. She sat on the floor as she cradled her child in her arms while she spoke, "According to the police the father was drunk and lit the house on fire."

   "Did he die?" Suba asked and the lady nodded.

   "Did he have a family?" I asked.

   "Yes. A wife and a daughter. They went at home when the incident happened."

   "How did the house burn?" I asked.

   "That's what no one knows. There was no source for the fire. No evidence on how the man could have lit the house," she replied.

   "How is that possible?"

   "That's the thing. People around her don't think it was the man. They believe the house is cursed."

   "Cursed?" Suba asked looking skeptical.

   "Yes. My mum has been living in this house for 60 years. She said that every family that came to live there was driven away within months or it was locked because people didn't want to move in."

   "But did they see ghost?" Suba asked.

   "I'm not sure but it was more of misfortunes than ghost. People falling sick together. Or things being broken in the house. Something catching fire. And it all happened on auspicious days."

   I looked at Suba giving a see expression. She went on to ask her, "Did someone die there?"

   "I'm not sure. I don't remember my mum mentioning about that," the lady replied.

   "Where is your mum?" I asked.

   "With my brother-"

   "Didn't the owner bring priests and tried blessing the house? Or a sage? That usually does it right?" Suba cut in.

   "How long did your boyfriend family live there," the lady asked instead.

   "Almost 8 years."

   She nodded. We waited for her to answer. She looked deep in thoughts. She took sometime but eventually replied, "I remember a family moving in. I remember everyone one was surprised that someone came. They house had been locked for one and half years before that. I remember people saying that the owner found some powerful priest who drove the bad omen out. Maybe it worked nad I'm guessing your boyfriend is that family that moved in after that because while they lived there nothing happened."

   "So the ghost left then?" Suba asked.

   "Look I don't know if it is a curse or ghost I do believe what ever is there isn't bad because the man who died deserve to die. He was a abusive father. He hit his wife and child alot. Before that family there were batcholars who used to drink and make commotion. One of them ended up slipping and breaking his neck. So they left. So what ever it is in that house must be chasing the bad out. That's what I think."

   "I think so too," I said smiling. I remember RJ telling that Johnsons is the only family he didn't chase out because of mickey. Because he felt connected to him? Or didn't have a problem with him?

   "So you're saying that RJ is some superhero that punishes the bad?" Suba asks as we left.

   "Possiblly. But hey so at least we know that RJ was behind it," I said.

   "Or a bad omen," Suba corrected making me roll our eyes.

   We went to a couple more houses and they all said the same story either what the cops believed or that it was cursed by bad omen. The lady wuth the child who's name turned out to be Sathya was the only one so for who believed that it wasn't cursed but something else.

   "Okay so one thing is clear there has been paranormal activities in that house."

   "Yes but we still don't know how RJ died," suba said and added, "If he was dead that is."

   "Well Sathya said we can meet her grandmother when she is back. Maybe she will know. There isn't anything on the internet. So for now we will just have to keep readthe book and hopefully find out more," I concluded.

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