Chapter 4

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One of the vampires instantly went for the wolves while Roger distracted his kids. Janice easily distracted Mia going for her.

"Well well, want to come doggies," the male vampire asked. "How about I join you John," another male vampire said. "Alright Hayden," John said, going for Marjorie while Hayden went for Sorscha.

John led Marjorie to a different room as the barrier from before was down now. Marjorie stood her stance in her brown wolf form standing in an attacking position in case he tried anything. John didn't mind easily grabbing the wolf as Marjorie used her paws and put her claws in his chest ripping open some of his skin. The vampire didn't mind as he took a vial out and drank it allowing him to heal himself. He grabbed the wolf with ease and threw Marjorie across the room as a black wolf crashed through the room grabbing John before ripping his head off killing the vampire. The black wolf howled as its blue eyes pierced through the room letting out an immense glow. 'Vivian?' Marjorie said in her mind since wolves couldn't talk in this form. 'We need to help the rest of the people here and I'll explain later,' Vivian replied to Marjorie in their connection as they were both wolves. The black wolf left the room as the brown wolf followed quickly helping the gray wolf with the vampire she was fighting. The black wolf tore Hayden's head off as quickly as she had torn John's head off, saving Sorscha and Marjorie from potentially getting bit by the vampire.

The three wolves went back to the main room where everyone else was to help the rest of the people there. The black wolf ran off near Carly where they weren't seen before Vivian turned to her human form helping Carly use her magic as Vivian was half wolf half witch. Carly and Vivian used their magic to assign everyone who was fighting a room to fight in so they could help out in the rooms if needed.

Reece and two older female vampires were teleported in one room where Reece had gotten thrown across the room before landing on a light brown wolf. The brown wolf helped Reece get back up and ripped one of the female vampire heads off before Reece grabbed a dagger and killed the other female vampire. "Thanks Marj," Reece said to the wolf. The light brown wolf went to him before turning human, already getting tired since she couldn't stay in her wolf form for long. Reece picked his girlfriend up and helped her lay in the room to recover going to help the others which would be a mistake at that moment not realizing it.

Sorscha had quickly gone to where her wife was and turned to a human lying on her lap since Clodagh would wake her up if they were in danger. Clodagh let Sorscha lay on her so she could get rest before going back to help the others in the fight.

Mia and Autumn were with Roger confusing Mia since she was just fighting Janice but not thinking much of it, turning her attention to the older vampire in the room with them. Roger didn't stay long before another vampire who was much stronger took his place before him. "Well, let's see how this goes, you two can't win against me," the older vampire said. "We'll see," Autumn said. The vampire easily threw both Mia and Autumn across the room and as they got up a window broke with a much older female vampire entering before taking out the vampire they were just fighting. "Deliah?" Mia asked, surprised. "I came to help out," Deliah said, knowing she hadn't yet killed the vampire and she'd most likely wake up. The vampire woke back up and grabbed Deliah but she was much faster, easily getting out his grip going to Autumn and Mia helping them fight the older male vampire. "You can't win this battle Claire," Delilah said. "Oh, I know but this is a distraction anyways," Claire said as all the doors in the room locked. "None of us can escape to help the others," Claire said with a smirk. Claire then used that opportunity to grab Deliah and throw her across the room, quickly going to her before Deliah could get back up and she threw her again before going for Mia. Autumn quickly grabbed at Claire but since Claire was older, she twisted at Autumn's hand before also grabbing Mia holding two vampires at once. Deliah got back up just as Claire threw the two vampires she was holding. "Nobody would care if you're dead, we have permission to kill anyone here," Claire said. Deliah grabbed Claire and snapped her neck knowing it'd knock her out for a little bit.

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