Chapter 6

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"Stupid ass vampires ruining my introduction," Winter said as he started to wake up. "At Least they don't think you're still human," Charlotte said, holding cuffs for a human. "They didn't even get my creature right," Winter said, holding up cuffs for a whole different species. "Is it just us?" Charlotte asked. "I think so for this cage," Winter said looking down from the hanging cage. "His kids and Mia have one below," Winter said pointing to their cage. "So we're basically all split up," Charlotte said. "Well, we need each other so we are good," Winter said. "Why do you always find the light in the darkness of a situation?" Charlotte asked Winter. He just shrugged at this point as it had been a normal thing for him all his life.

Marjorie woke up in a cage alone. I mean, after passing out she didn't expect to be with anyone being a huge brown wolf and all but still. She looked around, noticing literally everyone else had someone with them in their cage.

Sorscha woke up with arms around her and noticed she was in a cage with her wife's arms wrapped lovingly around her so she just cuddled closer to her since they were in a cage.

"ALRIGHT, NOW THAT EVERYONE'S AWAKE WE WILL HAVE WHAT WE CALL THE ANNUAL CREATURE FIGHT!" Roger's voice shouted through the crowd. "So, every year we have creatures in these cages compete, which is what we will do to see if they are strong enough to win. You may request for help from only ONE person," Roger spoke, allowing the crowd to cheer. "Alright! This year we have special members which are my employees and children!" Roger said allowing the crowd to get louder and getting more excited hearing that.

Soon enough, the bell rang and a vampire had entered the cage. "So, as per the rules, we all pick someone so I'll pick her," The vampire said pointing to Vivian.

Vivian's cage was let down and she got out. "You better know what you're expecting," Vivian said walking in the cage. "Oh, I do," the vampire said confidently.

Vivian got in position and didn't get in a fighting stance.

The bell had rung and the vampire tried lunging but she lifted her hand and used her magic to keep the vampire in place. "Ignorant," Vivian said, using the magic to lift the vampire before she used her other hand to create a dagger made from magic.

Vivian pierced the dagger through the vampire's heart killing them in only a minute. "Too easy," Vivian said as the ending bell rang meaning she had won.

"Alright, that was the first round, we have more competitors," Roger said, letting the next vampire enter. "I'll go with them," the vampire said as they pointed directly at Carly as she had human blood. "Alright," Roger said as Janice lowered Carly's cage.

Carly got out and just stood waiting for the bell to ring. As soon as the bell went off, Carly used her magic to snap the vampire's neck and made the magic dagger, killing the vampire. "Easy," Carly said as the bell rang letting them know she won.

"Well, that was boring," Janice said and the crowd had agreed as they all wanted to see more. "Alright, what do you think about adding one of your kids?" Janice asked. "Very well," Roger said in agreement.

"Which one of my two kids do you want to see?" Roger asked the crowd. The crowd was a mix of chants between the two kids so Janice decided to do a poll. "So, the winner is-" Janice went on to say before a shot rang through her head.

The wound quickly healed and when she turned to where it came from, nobody had a gun and the crowd saw nothing.

"Well, not surprised there but let's continue," Janice went on grabbing the poll to see who had won. "Well, it was 88 to 12," Janice said. "Well, the one who will be competing out of my two kids is....................Autumn!" Roger said on the microphone, letting the crowd get excited.

Autumn was brought into the bigger cage to get a competitor. As for the one chosen, they picked an extremely powerful vampire.

The bell rang and the fight began. Autumn could tell she wasn't going to win so she knew she'd need to pick someone to help her.

"I want to pick someone to help," Autumn said after she'd been thrown against the wall for the 12th time already. "Go ahead," Roger said. "I choose Charlotte," Autumn said, knowing how Charlotte could easily help her.

Charlotte was brought in the cage and the vampire turned to her since they'd already made Autumn extremely weak.

"Fiiine, coommeee fooooor meeeeeeeeeee," Charlotte sang, instantly hypnotizing the vampire. "Driink myyyy blooooooooooood, it'lll beeeeeeee goooood foooooor yoooouuuuuuuuu," Charlotte continued as the vampires drank a tiny bit of her blood before stopping. Charlotte let go of her control watching as the vampire convulsed like a human with poison.

Charlotte helped Autumn up who was badly damaged looking barely like she was in consciousness right now.Charlotte picked Autumn up and brought her in the same cage she was in so Winter could hold his love while she healed.

Winter quickly grabbed Autumn when she came in the cage with him and Charlotte. Winter held Autumn against him gently so she could heal. "You know, she heals faster if you turn her human and then back to being a vampire," Charlotte said. "I know," Winter said, using his powers to make Autumn a human for a split second rather than back to being a vampire so she wouldn't realize it.

Nobody could sense the power Winter used as the next match was going to begin any minute now.

"Alright," I'll pick him," A vampire stated pointing to Winter who was still holding Autumn. "Hold her," he whispered to Charlotte, stepping out the cage going to the fight.

Winter quickly grabbed his DVD and threw it straight at the vampire's throat as soon as the bell rang so he could spend time with Autumn while she recovered from the fight that had happened. A few gasps rang out as it was a quick but surprising death as nobody knew how Winter had managed to kill the vampire only with a DVD but they didn't question it as it wasn't their place to or not so they stood quiet not wanting to fight him.

A new bell rang, sounding it was break time in which all vampires left the room so Winter used his DVD and quietly opened everyone's cage using his witch magic. Everyone left the cage and went where Winter is and quietly snuck out the building preparing for the fight they were about to face in getting out the house.

Surprisingly, there was nobody to fight so they got to the back door quick enough to not be seen.

"Where do you think you're going?" A voice called out with Winter and Charlotte instantly knowing who that voice belonged to.

"What are you doing here?" Winter asked quietly. "Why are you trying to leave?" The voice asked. "Who are you?" Mia asked.

"I am-"

This is for @HollyPlays1212 because I love leaving you wonder what the fuck is about to happen. Also, Death Shots is an hour after this chapter so have fun with that!

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