Chapter 8

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"Never mind," the woman said, teleporting away. "Bitch!" the woman shouted to the lady in her house. "I swear to god what?" the other woman asked. "I literally asked you to join me, Holly!" The woman shouted. "OOPS," Holly said sarcastically. "Keep that up and I'm switching your species," the woman said. "Fine but only so I can be sipire," Holly said annoyed. "Learn your place Holly," the woman said leaving. "See you later roomie!" Holly shouted to the woman. "Alright, come on Holly," the woman said. "Coming!" Holly shouted instantly getting up to follow the woman.

The two women walked to the garden in the house. "Water the plants," the woman said. "What the fuck! That's why you called me out here? There's a goddamn hose!" Holly shouted with annoyance. "Do I need to ask you again Holly?" The woman asked, annoyed. "No," Holly said, using her siren powers to water the plants as she could control water.

Winter used the disk making everyone in the room human except himself and Charlotte, shocking everyone as nobody knew his powers were this severe. Charlotte used her mind control and hypnotized all the vampires and accidentally hypnotized her friends with her. "Autumn? Mia? Reece? Marjorie? Sorscha?" Charlotte asked, trying to snap them out of it since she didn't have full control over her powers yet. "Fucking hell," Charlotte said before sighing.

"Hey Holly, I need you to teach a siren how to control her powers," the woman said. "Why the fuck you choose me out of the other 28 goddamn sirens?" Holly asked, more annoyed. "Do it," the woman said with a sharp glare.

Holly teleported to the room with Charlotte and Winter looking around. "You're lucky your sister is annoying," Holly said to Winter. "I know, thanks for reminding me Holly," Winter said. "Wait, who are you?" Charlotte asked. "Holly! I'm half vampire and half siren but since you're full siren you won't have as much control as me," Holly said happily.

"Come," Holly said before she looked around. "Holy shit! I've never seen this many vampires mind controlled at once," Holly said in shock. "Well, two are werewolves," Charlotte said sheepishly, kind of not wanting her friends to be under the spell. "Well, wolves do tend to fall under easier," Holly spoke, grabbing Charlotte's hand leading her out the room.

The woman returned to the room seeing Winter and a bunch of hypnotized vampires including two wolves. "Charlotte overused again or was it an accident?" the woman asked. "Accident," Winter said. "Ah, makes sense. Holly should teach her how to not accidentally hypnotize all her friends," the woman said. "She is Willow," Winter said. "Good. Now let's see if she hypnotized anyone useful," Willow said now walking around the room.

Winter followed his sister in looking for extremely dangerous vampires or Janice or Roger. Although they were human, Winter and Willow could still sense their danger level due to their species. "I'm thinking of annoying Holly when we get back to our apartment," Willow said. "Damn. You do it often?" Winter asked. "Everyday," Willow said happily. "I HEARD THAT BITCH!" Holly shouted. "I KNOW YOU DID WHICH IS WHY I SAID IT!" Willow responded with. "Stupid vampire hearing," Willow said. "Damn, got your whole work out by annoying her." Winter said. "Most definitely and then I let her read my books leaving her on these super fun cliffhangers," Willow said with glee. "I HATE THEM!" Holly shouted. "THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! I DO IT TO ANNOY YOU, OBVIOUSLY!" Willow shouts back. "STOP ANNOYING ME WITH THOSE CLIFFHANGERS!" Holly shouts. "HELL NO HOLLY!" Willow shouts. "I will fight you!" Holly shouts. "I swear I will initiate that," Willow replied.

Charlotte quietly left the room not wanting to get in the middle of the argument and went to Winter who was eating popcorn. "Why are you eating?" Charlotte asked. "To enjoy the show of them fighting about a book," Winter said. "Is she that mad about being left on a cliffhanger?" Charlotte asked, confused. "Apparently," Winter replied, offering Charlotte the popcorn which she happily took.

"Back to business Winter," Willow said as the argument ended so they can actually help out and will continue later. "Alright," Winter said. Charlotte went back to the room with Holly to continue learning how to properly use her power.

"So, I don't think any of them are too dangerous," Winter said. "Yeah, they sent weak vampires over," Willow said, turning her attention to Winter. "Nice seeing you little brother," Willow said. "You too big sister," Winter replied with hugging his sister.

Holly walked out the room with Charlotte ready to go back to their house. "I ain't watering the plants," Holly said. "If you water the plants the next chapter won't be a cliffhanger," Willow said. "For fuck sake, fine," Holly said already annoyed because she absolutely hated using her water powers to do stupid shit. "Don't give me that look Holly, let's go," Willow said, grabbing Holly's hand.

Just as they were about to leave, Charlotte's mind control ended up waking up everyone in the room. "Change of plans, we're helping them fight Holly," Willow said. "Alright," Holly said, getting in a fighting stance as all the vampires and the two wolves started waking up.

@HollyPlays1212 We should become real life besties because of this chapter in annoying your character and introducing it. (tell me if you want to become friends) Does it count as a cliffhanger? Also, two updates in one day for me because I am not posting for this story until Monday or later so have fun with this Holly. Also, short chapter because I do not give a fuck to make this shit longer. Anyone can request to be in the book just give me the species you want to be

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