Chapter 3

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Charlotte stood in the cage just waiting for the inevitable to happen. She knew everyone would think she couldn't stand a chance but deep down, she knew she was about to shock everyone in the room at the time. Charlotte took a quick glance around the room waiting for the vampire to attack, seeing all the other vampires in the room with them. She noticed Marjorie and Sorscha had worn the belt that some wolves had when in a room with thousands of vampires so they were human and wouldn't start a fight which was needed since thousands of vampires were watching. Charlotte could tell the vampire in the cage with her was an old one, way over three thousand which is surprising since the one hosting, Roger, is one thousand two hundred years away from that being a bit over three thousand but she could easily kill that vampire. "Any last words?" The vampire in the cage asked her. "I'd ask you the same thing as you're dying first," Charlotte replied calmly letting the other vampires laugh in the room. She could tell the people she loved were worried except Winter since she knew he could help her. "Last chance," the vampire said to Charlotte. "Fine, give me the item Winter," Charlotte said. Winter quickly threw something over which Charlotte caught with ease. "What's that going to do and what even is it?" The vampire asked, a tad confused now. "Don't worry about that," Charlotte spoke with a huge smirk on her face.

The vampire didn't seem to care about lunging at Charlotte which she quickly dodged. She could tell Roger had the room spelled and soon enough, both their true forms would show in the cage. All Charlotte had to do was wait until that took effect so she could be in her true form. The only reason she didn't use it often is because her voice is extremely high pitched in it and she'd need to constantly avoid fishers trying to kill her for her body parts.

After around 20 minutes of dodging the vampire's attacks, he grew sick of it and instead started to talk, attempting to distract her. "For a human you sure are good at dodging but that won't matter once my true form shows. Now Charlotte knew she had to play dumb. "What true form are you talking about?" Charlotte asked, faking her confusion which worked on everybody in the room. "Oh, you are so stupid. Nobody told you about the supernatural?" the vampire asked but didn't allow her to have time to talk. "You know, you work with them since we vampires can sense it and you are a human who fell in the vampire's trap like you are in mine," the vampire said.

Charlotte let out a chuckle getting bored of the vampire now. "Alright, let's end this," Charlotte said, taking one last glance at Mia who looked scared for her. "Very well, this is an easy fight," the vampire said as he grabbed her neck and bit in it. As soon as he tasted her blood, he dropped her in an instant. "What's wrong?" Charlotte asked with a smirk. "Is my blood poisonous?" Charlotte asked, making her grin widen. "Maybe do your research next time. I don't have a human scent or whatever you vampires think because I have none." Charlotte threw the item back at Winter not needing it since the vampire took a sip of her blood. "It will eat you out until you are dead," Charlotte spoke with a grin going to the opening of the cage where the winners would get out. She waited until the vampire's heart stopped so the doors would open and as soon as they did Charlotte ran to Mia holding her. "How is your blood poisonous?" Mia asked her sweetheart. "It's always been that way to vampires, but I won't use it to hurt you baby," Charlotte said, holding Mia still.

Jancie glanced at Roger annoyed because that was not how it was supposed to go. "Alright, let's choose a new player. Autumn, you by yourself or with your boyfriend?" Janice asked. "I'll go with," Winter said confidently. "Love, I'll be fine, and you won't last," Autumn said. "I'll be fine sweets," Winter said entering the cage and Autumn followed since it was a duo fight. Two random vampires that were much stronger than Autumn walked in the room.

Autumn kissed Winter thinking it would be her last time not knowing Winter was about to show his true form. "Before these starts, we'll show the true forms," Roger said, turning a gas on. All three vampires instantly changed in the room while Winter stayed in his human form as the gas wouldn't affect his form. Autumn was expecting Winter to have a different expression, but he just stayed looking calm holding something in his hands against his pants. "Oh, you brought a human with you?" The older female vampire asked. "I think he'll be the easiest," The male vampire said to the female one he was near. "Oh, it won't be easy," Winter said with a smirk. "Oh please, you will be," the male vampire said.

As the bell rang, the male vampire went for Winter, but he was able to dodge the older vampire. "I think we should make this battle fun, don't you?" Winter said grabbing the older vampire easily overpowered him, making everyone in the room shocked. Autumn stared at Winter surprised not realizing the older female vampire had grabbed her. Winter threw a purple DVD disk straight at the older female vampire which killed her in an instant before he retracted it without touching it, seeming to use magic. "You know, vampires can't sense every species with some smelling human," Winter said before he used the DVD to slice the male vampire's throat killing both the vampires before going to his girlfriend. "I thought it'd be harder," Winter said looking at a surprised Janice and Roger as they weren't expecting Winter who everyone thought was human to be able to kill two very powerful vampires. Winter grabbed Autumn's hand who still stood there shocked he had done that and went out the cage to the rest of the staff. "I think it's time Charlotte and I explained what we were," Winter said to his co-workers before leaving the room.

All the staff and their dates followed Winter as he was kind of dragging Autumn out. Winter led them to a nearby mansion which was purely a dark gothic theme. Winter led them inside letting them all go to the living room letting Autumn sit next to Reece while he and Charlotte stood up. "So, you probably know by now because despite our human smell or lack of," Charlotte began. "We aren't human, and we'll explain which creatures we are," Charlotte told them standing a bit away letting Winter also explain. "We are two different species, and we will explain. This room is also spelled so nobody can leave while we explain," Winter said ready to start. "So, both Charlotte and I will explain our species and why we hadn't told but it's fair since nobody told us y'all were supernatural to our face although we could sense it easily, so I don't really mind that part." Winter said. "Alright, now Winter and I will get on with explaining our species," Charlotte had said. "So, I am-" Winter began to say as Janice and Roger broke in with the most powerful vampires and there were tons of them. Winter let out a sigh knowing everyone in this room would have to show their true form as the vampires already changed in their true form. Marjorie and Sorscha took their belts off and changed to their wolf form while Clodagh quietly left since she was the only human out of them. Charlotte took the liquid Winter gave her last night quickly drinking it about to show her true form. Carly just silently dialed a number before sneaking away since she could easily use her power from far away as only Charlotte and Winter knew Carly's species. Winter took the DVD near him knowing he'd need it as none of the other species knew what it'd do except Charlotte and Carly.

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