Chapter 7

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"I am-" the woman went on to say before she stopped. "Run, they're coming!" The woman shouted. Winter and Charlotte quickly ran while the others followed them. They got out of the house and kept running before Vivian teleported them away and to a safe house. "Had to get away from the house before I could use magic," Vivian said.

Vivian led them through the new house they were in. "Just to be safe, we all need to know each other's weaknesses," Vivian said. "Oh, easy. I along with you and Carly have none," Charlotte said. "Marjorie and I can't be bit but Marjorie already got bit so she's a wolf but also allergic to silver," Sorscha said. "I have an allergy to all jewelry except rose-gold," Winter said. "Sunlight and daggers to us vampires and that disk Winter has apparently," Mia said. "I think I can safely say my creature," Winter said, going to the front of the living room while everyone sat. "Alright no, I'm sick of having a wolf with us," Winter said as he threw the disk making Marjorie human. "Anyways, now I will continue," Winter said, ignoring his girlfriend and everyone else's shocked expression. "I'm human," Marjorie said confused. "Yeah, obviously. Now, back to my species so I am a-" Winter tried to say before they were all teleported back into the cages. "Fuck the universe not letting me say my species," Winter said as Charlotte chuckled. "You know that woman from before probably did this." Charlotte said.

"Sorry about that but break's over and the competition is back on," Janice said as the stadium for the fight was back and open. "Wait, how the hell is the wolf human again?" Janice asked, pissed.

All the vampires in the stadium got instantly shocked when they looked in the wolf cage expecting to see a wolf with brown fur and yellow eyes but got a human instead.

"Fuck," Winter said throwing his disk making her return to her werewolf species but now she was able to control it since she was human for long enough. "Damn, turned her back," Charlotte said, impressed. "Yeah, that happens," Winter said. "You really couldn't have turned her back, maybe I don't know, when we needed her human?" Reece shouted from his cage with Mia and Autumn. "I was more focused on other things like all the vampires I had to fight," Winter shouted back in return. "Fair," Reece replied while waiting for the new games to start.

Reece was the first as he volunteered and picked one of the strongest vampires. He knew he could request Winter so all he had to do was play the fight out. Reece stood his ground against the vampire but neither had a way of killing since they were the same species. "Alright, now!" Reece shouted as he felt a purple DVD (or disk) appear in his hand. Reece used it to slice the vampire's throat as they were turned human. "Not so powerful now, huh?" Reece asked before using his strength to crush the human who was holding his throat.

"Wow, it went better than expected," Janice said from the commentary section. "Guess it did," Roger replied, enjoying the matches below.

The woman who had let them escape made their way to the game. She knew how to play her cards extremely well so all she had to do was play the match out. She grabbed her laptop and started an assignment on it while watching the fight happen. All she had to do was make it in their favor and that's what she did.

Another break approached after Reece's match since they had to wait for 3 hours so all vampires left leaving the woman alone with the cages. She quickly sketched them out before erasing them, letting the people inside out. "Thanks for that," Winter said as he approached the girl. "Welcome," She replied in her sweet voice. "You're always handy when we need you so thanks for that," Charlotte said, thankful to the woman. "Anything to help Charlotte," The woman said.

"Since nothing bad can happen, I'm an Elch," Winter said to his friends holding Autumn's hand. "And yes, I can switch people's species as shown," he said thankful he could finally tell everyone his species name for once instead of having more and more fights since they were in the room for fights.

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