Chapter 41

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*Harry Styles*

I opened my eyes slightly, gazing at the beauty in my arms. I was once again pleasantly surprised by her new look. Red hair. She dyed her hair. She has done it before, but from dirty blonde to plain chocolate brown. Not to this vibrant and flashy color. It suited her, though. But then again, anything would.

I passed the next twenty minutes memorizing her facial traits: the soft plump of her lips, her long lashes caressing the skin of her perfect cheekbones, her porcelain skin looking luminescent under the morning light, the new fire of her hair sprawled on the cushion. I stayed without moving, scared that I'd wake my angel, unlike there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I whispered, scared I'd wake her up.

Before, she would have troubles waking up, but now she seems to wake up at my voice. I loved it, but at the same I couldn't speak without waking her up, which sucked when I wanted to let her sleep.

Liam popped his head inside.

"Hey, are you guys up?"
"I am, but she isn't." I murmured softly, still hoping to let her sleep a bit.
"Okay, well you guys have one hour to get ready before we leave."
"What do we have today?"
"We have an interview, and she has a photoshoot, then we all have a meet and greet and a signing."
"Okay, we'll be ready."

After he left, I still could bring myself to wake her up. She looked so peaceful, I wanted to enjoy every seconds I had by her side, very conscious that soon enough she'll be gone on her own Tour and the lads and I were going to be off too. But when I saw that we only had thirty minutes left, I just had to wake her.

"Baby? Angel? Time to wake up, beautiful..." I whispered in her ear.

I was rewarded by small goosebumps on her skin. I kissed her right behind the ear, earning a small moan from her.

"What time is it?" She asked, her voice still full of sleep.
"Around 8 o'clock."

She jumped out of bed and started scrambling through her clothes, grabbing a skirt, a shirt and started dressing up quickly.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I have a photoshoot at nine! I have to leave in like, 15 minutes!"
"Liam told me one hour at 7:30."
"You knew at 7:30 and you woke me up at 8?! Harry, I leave before you guys!"
"Yeah, oh. Jesus Christ!"

She left the room and came back and ready. As always, she looked flawless. I wondered if other girls were jealous of her. I mean... She had a singing career, she's gorgeous, and she dates one of the hottest guy on earth. Okay, maybe not, but certainly one of the most wanted. Not to sound vain of anything.

She sent me a glare, making me pout.

"You can't seriously be mad at me, baby!"
"Oh, yes I can, and I am!"
"But I just wanted to stay by you for a bit longer." I pouted even more, knowing very well that she wouldn't resist me. "Soon enough we won't be able to see each other as often."

I saw her face soften instantly and she sighed. She sat down next to me on the bed and caressed my face, her fingers grazing softly my skin. I hummed in appreciation and closed my eyes, pressing my head against her.

"I love you." I whispered, my eyes opening lightly to stare at her angelic face.
"And I love you." She pressed her lips against mine, before pulling away, too soon. "But I really have to go."
I grunted. "One day, I'll take you somewhere where we won't have anything to do, or anybody to disturb us, and we'll stay together and enjoy each other fully."
She smiled. "Can't wait for it."

Another kiss, and like that, she was gone. A bubble of fear rose in my stomach. I could lose her just as fast as she just left, in a gust of wind, in a blink of an eye, in a flash of a lightening. And it terrified me. How can we be so strong together, and yet so weak at the same time?

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After a very boring interview, where the guy asked us the exact same question we've been answering in the passed two years, and a very good lunch at the hotel, we went to the place where our Meet and Greet would be. It was in a huge mall, and there were some tables for us already installed. A lot of fans were already in line to get their albums or their posters signed. I smiled and waved, causing them to yell and squeal, making me chuckle.

Our fans were amazing.

I glanced at Hazel's empty table next to us. It was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon, she should be here by now.

Paul let the fans come since we were all there; all except Hazel. I started signing things, smiled for the pictures, answered some questions, but my mind was clearly elsewhere. Where was she? I couldn't help the insidious fear creeping inside my mind. What if something happened to her? Was she okay?

Liam's voice whispered next to me. "Calm down, she'll be there soon. Try to smile a bit, you seem completely out of it." He said before smiling to a girl. Here you go, have a great day, love!"
"Don't tell me to relax when I don't even know where she is, and if she's okay!" I hissed.
"She is." Zayn tried to sooth me. "Just smile and try not to look so pissed and annoyed."

I mumbled under my breath but made an effort to grin and look happier. I still couldn't keep some thoughts out of my brain though... What if she was hurt? What if she needed me? What if she was in a car wreck? What if she was... dead? The air was sucked out of my lungs at that thought. No, she couldn't be. I won't let her be...

"Oh my God! Harry Styles! I love you guys so much!" A little twelve-years-old fan started rambling. "Where is Hazel? I love her so much! I was so excited to meet her today... Is she going to come?"
"Yes, she's just running a little late." I lied through my teeth.

I sure hoped it was true.

"If I don't have the chance to meet her, will you tell her how much I love her?"
"I will."

At that moment, I heard some yells. I jumped out of my chair, wanting to see if it was Hazel who was finally arriving. It was her, looking a bit flustered. She wore the same thing as before, looking absolutely gorgeous. She gave me a small apologetic smile and grabbed the microphone.

"Hey, everybody... I'm sorry I'm late, I was at a photoshoot, and I was late this morning 'cause SOMEBODY woke me up late, then there were a lot of traffic, and yeah... I'm sorry." She apologized again, after shooting me a playful glare.

I blushed crimson. Oh. It was my fault that she was late. And I was there, worrying like a bloody idiot. I smiled sheepishly at the crowd and waved. I then grabbed the girl's arm.

"Would you like to meet her."

Her eyes widened and she started nodding eagerly. I told her to come with me. I greeted Hazel with a kiss on her cheek.

"Hey, angel."
"I'm mad at you." She pouted.
"Not for very long, I hope." I said.
"I can't." Hazel smiled.
I grinned victoriously before glancing at the starstruck girl behind me."Hazel, there's somebody who wants to meet you."

She glanced behind me and smiled in awe at the little girl.

"Hey, sweetie, what's your name?"
"Juliet." She shyly answered.
"That's such a pretty name." My beautiful girlfriend cooed.
"Not as pretty as Hazel." Juliet replied, making my girl laugh.
"Well, thank you, Juliet... Would you like a picture with me?"

I left my angel with Juliet, smiling softly. I sat back down at my place between Zayn and Liam and restarted singing things, my grin real this time.

"Lord, you're so whipped, Haz." Lou chuckled.
"You should see yourself with Eleanor." I teased him.
"No, I agree with him, you're a marshmallow when it comes to Haze." Nialler chuckled.
I shrugged. "So what if I am? I got the most beautiful angel on my side. I may be whipped, but I'm the one that wins here."

I gazed at her once again, but my smile fell when I realized that her whole demeanor changed. I saw a scowl on my lovely girl's face. She was tensed and was spitting her words at the girl in front of her. Her whole body language screamed fear and anger.

I stood up, just in time to see the girl slap Hazel. Rage pervaded through me.

A/N: Hey, so this is it! Little cliffhanger here :P

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