Chapter 2

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*Hazel Murray*

                Unfortunately, I woke up next morning. With a huge headache. I groaned as I rolled out of bed and dressed up for another horrible day at school. I looked at my outfit, then nodded, satisfied. I went downstairs and kissed my mom on her cheek. 

"Morning Mom." I said cheerfully.
"Hi, Honey! Do you want me to lift you to school?" Mom asked.
"No, it's fine I'll walk." I said.

                I grabbed an apple and ran out. Mom always insisted on lifting me up to school, but I loved walking, and today was going to be a beautiful day. It was a shame that I'd be stuck at school instead of outside enjoying the sun. I loved walking to school. Fortunately, since the town was small, it was easy to walk to everywhere you want to go. My house is at ten minutes of the school.

                I put my headphones on and started listening to my music. 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran (of course) comes up and I started singing along with the song. 

"Kiss me, like you want to be love." I hummed silently.

                I arrived at my small High School. Nobody, as usual, noticed me. I walked to my locker and opened it. I took my books in my arms and I walked to my first class. Somebody bumped into me. All my things escaped my hands and scattered in the hallway. I mumbled a quiet 'sorry', even though it wasn't my fault.

"You better be, idiot." Aaron Parker snapped at me.

                I sighed. I had to bump in one of my main bully. My other bully is Aaron's girlfriend, Samantha Harris. What a happy couple they make, right? I kneeled on the floor without answering to Aaron and started picking up my things.

                I felt a sharp pain in my hand and I squealed in pain. Aaron just stepped on my hand. He was smirking at me, knowing I wouldn't do anything about it. I finished picking everything up, then I stood up and left. A strong grip caught my arm hard through my jean jacket.

"Wait a second, idiot." Aaron said. "You have to pick up everything on the floor."

                But I just did? I thought, confused.

                Just as I thought of that, he slapped all of my books on the floor, again. Oh, I should've seen that coming.

                Still without answering to Aaron, I picked everything up again. I winced. My hand was throbbing and my arm, where Aaron gripped it, was already bruising. The bell rang suddenly, telling me that I was late for classes. I sighed and went to class.

                I knocked on the door and it opened. I was five minutes late. All the eyes turned towards me, instantly making me blush.

"Miss... hum... Melray, what a pleasure to have you in the class." My teacher said. "I won't be severe for today, since I'm in a good mood, but I don't want this to happen again."

                I didn't bother telling her my last name was Murray. Teachers never remembered me anyways. It isn't the first time I'm late but they never remember so I shrugged it off. I went in the back of the class, where I wasn't in sight of anybody. There, I let my thoughts drift into my dreams. Soon enough, the bell rang, announcing the end of the class. As usual, I waited for everybody to leave the classroom so I won't be caught up behind everybody. I was so small people would just push me around without even realize it. 

                The second period was exactly like the first. I was in the back, daydreaming about travelling, barely listening to the teacher's monotone voice. I waited patiently for lunch. I still haven't spoke a word to anybody in school. Those were the good days, when everybody ignored me and acted as if I didn't exist. 

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