Chapter 7: Trouble

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"Nice toga." I smile at a furious Cory wrapped in his sheet.

"Cory, bro, what's happening?" Devon asks with wide eyes, glancing back and forth from Cory to me.

"What did you do?" Elowen whisper yells at me.

I give her an innocent smile, "I didn't do anything."

"Didn't do anything?" Cory scoffed, "she asked me to show her my wolf again, and then when I got into wolf form she ran out the door and locked it behind her so she could get away AND I had to chase her naked."

"Coraline." Elowen scolds as Devon shakes his head, even though he has a smile on his face.

"It's not a big deal, I didn't even leave the property. Didn't even go outside." I reason, "could've been worse."

"It'll never happen again." Cory glares at me.

"You're never going to show me your wolf again?"

"I'm going to cuff you to the bed next time."

"Let's keep the kinky bedroom stuff to ourselves." Devon interjects, making my face flame red.

"Let's go, mate." Cory turns to walk away, expecting me to follow him.

"Go ahead, Alpha, I'm staying here with my friend." I retort, crossing my arms over my chest.

Devon's eyes bulge, whispering "oh shit."

Cory straightens, anger radiating from his every pore. He turns around, marching into Devon's room and grabs me off of the bed and throws me over his shoulder, somehow not losing his sheet around his waist.

"Put me down!" I scream as I bang my fists into his back. Cory ignores my protests, packing me back to our room where he pushes the door open with his foot. One hand holding me on his shoulder and the other holding his satin sheet around his V-line. He kicks the door closed, throwing me down on the bed with such force I bounce back up and land in a sitting position. He stalks over to the door and locks it, before stalking back over to me. I shrink back some, his walk radiating predator, and I'm afraid I am the prey.

"Two things for sure, one things for certain, Mate. You will not disrespect me like that ever again, am I making myself clear?" His face is inches from mine, glaring at me in such a manner that has me shaking in my boots.

But, my mom always said I'd run my mouth until the very end so, "you're sexy when you're mad."

His face falters, his eyes growing wide like he couldn't believe that came out of my mouth as a smirk takes my lips over, "cat got your tongue?"

"You are one infuriating woman." He sighs, shaking his head, "what is it going to take to get you to behave?"

"I want to go home."

"You are home." He counters quickly, before his lips crash down on mine in a rough and commanding kiss. He kisses me harshly, grabbing my hair so he can angle my face to kiss me deeper, completely controlling the whole situation. When his lips leave mine, I'm panting for air.

"You are mine. You cannot leave, but I think even if you could, you wouldn't. You want me almost as much as I want you, you just won't admit it. That's the truth, isn't it Cora?"

I glare at him, a fire burning in my chocolate colored eyes, "what makes you say that?"

He leans down again, his lips brushing against mine as I close my eyes and brace for another toe-curling kiss.

The kiss doesn't come though, and when my eyes fly open all I see is icy colored eyes and a deadly smirk.

"What's the matter shortcake? Didn't get what you wanted?" His smirk widening.

My cheeks flush, I open my mouth to give him a smart-ass remark but nothing comes out. I close my mouth again and just glare at him.

"I tell you what Cora, I'll make you a deal." Cory smiles.

"I'm listening."

"If you let me mark you, I'll let you roam freely around the house and the property." His icy eyes shining.

"What about Elowen?"

"I'm sure Devon will give her the same arrangement." He nods.

"So you have to bite me?" I ask suspiciously.

"One little bite is all it takes." He nods, "I'll even throw in an all-expenses paid shopping trip."

I mean, it's not like I really have a choice in any of this anyway so I might as well get all the perks, "okay." I nod.

A wicked smile takes over his face before he crashes his lips down on mine again. He kisses me harshly, one hand cupping the back of my head to keep me in place as he deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth. His lips break away from mine, traveling down the side of my neck, before sucking on a sensitive spot that has a groan leaving my lips.

"Found it." He murmured and before I could ask what he meant a scream broke past my lips from the pain of the bite. The pain only lasted a few seconds before pleasure took over my body, a shiver running down my spine as a small moan left my lips. Cory pressed another kiss to the spot before placing another kiss on my lips.

He pulled back, running his thumb over the spot as if he was tracing it, "it's perfect." His eyes were black again, staring down at the spot he had left on me.

The connection was immediate, I felt closer to Cory than I ever could have imagined, tied almost. Everything was clearer, and I had this undeniable feeling for Cory now. His eyes slowly changed back to their normal icy color, as he stood back up to his full height, I felt the satin sheet pool around our feet, as he must have let it go during the marking. He turns, walking back toward the walk-in closet as I turn to look out the balcony doors. Cory disappears into the closet so I take a moment to go over to the doors and look out. I push the handle, the door opening so I can step out onto the balcony and my eyes widen at the beauty of the property. The rolling hills with a thick forest can be seen on the horizon, a beautiful garden with trails going through it is off to the right, and a glimmering lake on the left. Right below the balcony is a large patio area, with a fire pit and plenty of seating along with a few grills sitting off to the side. I shiver and wrap my arms around myself as the cool Autumn breeze blows through, my bare legs covering in goosebumps.

Cory comes up behind me, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me flush against his chest, "this is all yours now." His body is warm and I just want to snuggle into him.

"It's beautiful." I smile.

"Not nearly as beautiful as the Luna who rules it." He whispers as I turn to meet his eyes. Cory is looking at me with the most adoration I've ever seen, the look alone warming my heart.

"Thank you." I smile as a blush settles onto my cheeks.

The sun starts to set on the horizon, making everything look like it's glowing in the golden-hour lighting. Cory turns going back into the bedroom, sitting down on the bed and pulling out his laptop and typing away on it. I turn my vision back to the view, smiling at how perfect the property is. I stand here a few more minutes just admiring the scenery before going back into the bedroom as well. I sit down on the couch, grabbing the throw blanket and covering up. I grab the tv remote, flipping through the channels before landing on Grey's anatomy reruns. There's nothing a little Meredith & Derek romance can't fix.


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