Chapter 4: Narya thw ring of magic strengthen

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It had been about a month since the conflict at school escalated, and during that time, Izuku Midoriya relentlessly pursued his quest for power. His recent discovery of another Elven ring—the Ring of Fire, Narya—had sparked a deeper obsession within him, a longing to collect artifacts that could elevate him beyond the torment he faced in daily life.

 His recent discovery of another Elven ring—the Ring of Fire, Narya—had sparked a deeper obsession within him, a longing to collect artifacts that could elevate him beyond the torment he faced in daily life

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Narya, once held by the great Círdan and later Gandalf, was now up for auction at a prestigious house known for selling rare artifacts. Determined to claim it, Izuku spent countless nights crafting an outfit that mirrored the dark majesty of the Witch-King of Angmar. His cloak billowed ominously, and a hood shadowed his face, giving him an aura of foreboding—something he hoped would conceal and empower him during the heist.

His mind buzzed with thoughts of the rings he already possessed: one of the Nine Rings of Men and the first Elven ring he had acquired. With Narya in his grasp, he would have three rings—each a step closer to the power he desperately craved. But lurking in the shadows was Eraserhead, Aizawa, a man renowned for investigating unusual occurrences. He had developed a keen interest in the green-haired boy who seemed to be at the center of these mysterious thefts.

Unbeknownst to Izuku, Aizawa had been conducting thorough research on the stolen rings, fully aware of their significance. Upon learning of Narya's auction, Aizawa was convinced that the boy would make another attempt at stealing the artifact.

As Izuku arrived at the auction house, his heart thudded in his chest. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as wealthy patrons gathered, eager to bid on rare items. Gilded decorations adorned the walls, and chandeliers cast a soft glow over the crowd. To Izuku, it felt like a stage set for his ultimate act of rebellion.

Peeking through the door, he spotted the auctioneer preparing to unveil Narya. The ring would be displayed in a glass case, its magical aura palpable even from a distance. Near the entrance stood Eraserhead, his dark figure an ominous contrast to the opulent surroundings.

"Stay calm. You can do this," Izuku whispered to himself, drawing strength from the rings he already possessed. The power of Narya pulsed within him, urging him forward despite Eraserhead's intimidating presence.

The auction commenced, and Izuku steeled himself. The moment Narya was revealed, he would act. When the ring finally appeared, it glimmered with an ethereal light, mesmerizing the crowd.

"Lot number seven: Narya, a magical ring that grants its wearer immense strength," the auctioneer announced, and the room fell silent, captivated by the sight of the ancient artifact.

As the bidding began, Izuku prepared to make his move. But just as he was about to act, he felt Eraserhead's gaze upon him, his eyes sharp with recognition. Izuku's heart raced. Eraserhead had figured it out.

The auctioneer's voice rang out. "Starting at five thousand yen..."

It was now or never. Izuku whispered an incantation, summoning dark flames at the back of the room. The guests gasped in panic.

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