Chapter 5: Vilya and two Dwarven Rings

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Another month had passed since Izuku's last acquisition—the Ring of Fire, Narya. His collection of ancient power was slowly growing, and with each new artifact, he felt himself drawing closer to his ultimate goal. But there was no time to rest. News had reached him of another auction—one that was even more heavily guarded than the last. This time, they were auctioning off three rings as a set.

Izuku's heart raced as he read the announcement. Among the three rings were Vilya, the Elven Ring of Air—one of the most powerful artifacts from Middle-earth. Once worn by Gil-galad and later by Elrond, Vilya had the power to heal, to command the winds, and to protect. Alongside it were two of the Seven Dwarven Rings, which could amplify greed, power, and obsession. These rings had fueled the ambitions of the Dwarf-lords, though they never fell fully under Sauron's control. If Izuku could get his hands on them, his collection would grow significantly.

Izuku immediately set to work, preparing for the heist. This auction house would be much more alert than the last. Security had been tripled, and they were ready for anything. Still, he had no intention of walking away empty-handed.

But first, he needed help.

Without thinking, he pulled out his phone and called Aizawa. The phone rang for a few seconds before the familiar voice of Eraserhead answered.

"How did you get my number?" Aizawa's voice was calm but held a note of curiosity.

Izuku didn't bother to answer the question. "I found three more rings," he blurted out, his voice filled with urgency. "And I know where they are—an auction house, not far from here. They're selling Vilya and two of the Dwarven Rings. I need your help."

There was silence on the other end for a moment, and then Aizawa sighed. "Do you realize how dangerous this is? You're not just dealing with rare artifacts anymore. These rings... they're tied to something far darker than you can handle alone."

"I know," Izuku replied, pacing his room. "But I can't let them fall into the wrong hands. If someone else buys them, they'll either sell them to the highest bidder or use them for something far worse. I can't let that happen."

Aizawa hesitated but then spoke again, his tone serious. "Alright. I'll help. But I'm not doing this because I agree with what you're doing. I'm doing it because I don't want you to get hurt."

Izuku smiled in relief. "Thank you."

That night, Izuku stood outside the auction house, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of trouble. Aizawa was somewhere nearby, watching over the scene from the shadows. This time, Izuku wasn't wearing his Witch-King outfit—he had to blend in more carefully.

Inside, the atmosphere was tense. The crowd seemed smaller than usual, likely due to the heightened security and rumors of stolen artifacts. Still, the wealthiest collectors in the city had gathered, eager to bid on the rare and powerful rings.

As the auctioneer stepped up to the podium, the room fell silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we present to you three of the most valuable items ever to grace our stage. A set of three rings—Vilya, the Elven Ring of Air, and two of the Seven Dwarven Rings. Together, they hold immense magical power and historical significance."

Izuku's heart pounded as the glass case containing the rings was wheeled onto the stage. The shimmering blue of Vilya's gem seemed to pulse with a life of its own, and the Dwarven Rings glinted menacingly under the light.

"The bidding will start at twenty million yen," the auctioneer announced, and hands immediately shot up around the room.

Izuku swallowed hard. This was going to be tougher than he thought.

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