Chapter 1

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One month after the last battle

He wasn't shocked that they had no formal funeral ceremonies here. It wasn't that kind of place, nor that kind of people. Most of the Lords looked around oddly, as if they had no idea what to do, or how to behave. All they had found of Lord Galbrey, was a piece of his armor, scorched almost beyond identification. Dar had said a funeral pyre might be an odd thing given the fighting, but Heraditeez had told him what few formal funerals Hell had were done in that manner. The cistern for the northern lake was used... it had a shallow pond-like depression in which Galbrey's boat rested... surrounded by a shallow puddle of their waters. Dar, as commander finished his 'chant for the departed' and stood back, placing a hand on Liandra's shoulder as she wept... their families had long been friends. Kynna walks up and sets the boat on fire and closes eyes knowing he at least had revenge on what Seferatu did to his family. But now, it was her turn to find someone to handle that area of Hell and started to think as she stepped back some. Dar knew what his wife had on her mind and gestured at Liandra... the girl may have only been 14, but she fought in the battle for the second island. Her lack of powers at the moment was a huge question mark. Anbesol, Luna, Fakesh, Kynna... they'd given her all the help they could, and nothing seemed to help the girl. It was as if something blocked their attempts... or the spell Glinda had used to cripple the girl had some effect they neither saw nor could fix. Kynna took Dar's hand thinking. Kynna was wanting to give Liandra a new life, if they could as she and her brother were now orphans. But he was slotted to take over Liandra's area and not her. Dar saw the other Lords 'Cast their spells', he wasn't exactly sure what that meant but he did see a couple of them weep a touch as they hurled small balls of fire at the funeral boat. It made for a good send-off, he only wished he had known the Lord better. Scorn and Fakesh drifted close as Dar asked Kynna, "Do you want to ask or should I?" He meant if Liandra was willing to take a Lord's posting. Galbrey's lands included patronage of the jail for the corrupt, something Dar could make endless fun of with minimal effort. It would be nice to have that settled for now. Kynna holds a hand up to them and shook her head, "Give her some time, she is still grieving and being asked that could be a bit hard for her. Let's give her a couple of days my friends."

Dar saw the other two 'elder demons' looking a bit distressed over that, "Six lands with no Lords my Queen. Five jails with no patrons. Right now, you have a space to delay... that space will not endure forever." Scorn said quietly, "Decisions have to be made." Dar asked as Liandra and the others gathered around them, more curious than anything, "Scorn, Fakesh, has there ever been so many lands open at once? And how does someone put themselves forth as a candidate for Lordship?" Fakesh bit his lip as he thought, Scorn just went silent. "You see brothers, sisters...another moment with zero precedent, zero law and no guidance. Part of the reason we need to go slow is there is no custom to follow. Perhaps the Lords and Ladies could send us any qualified candidates names...adults or elder teens, active in the war, people who could gain the approval of the other Lords?", Dar looked at Kynna for approval. Kynna nods to Dar giving her approval, "We also do not know much about those lands and only those we can trust there should be eligible. You all have your own responsibilities', and this is something I have to look into with my Vizier and my Knight." Dar watched Scorn nod and ask the couple, "Most of us have one or two capable demons in our households. How do you define active?" Dar sighed, "A lot of you could not act as soon as I would have wished because of the traitors and kidnappings. I am not the Queen, but all of you here fought in the last battle and as far as I am concerned if you fought or supported that effort in any way, you'd be eligible. Other than that, we need maturity, good judgement, and even-handedness. Maybe not the normal things a demon should have but all of you have shown them to me. Gather your names Lords and send them to us...and in a month maybe we meet and start getting things sorted out." Fakesh added, "Some may dispute a claim." Dar nodded, "And that means a fight, maybe a nasty one." What custom there was involved duels to the death for Lordship, something he wanted to avoid.

Kynna thinks glancing at Liandra and thought they should take her in as at least as a mentor to their kids for now. Kynna was also starting to show a little more with a baby bump, "We have to get ready for our daughter Mirandas birthday coming up. She is only turning about 2 now but looks older." Dar saw Scorn scoffing a bit, "You mean the Godling's daughter?" He'd never been shy about his distrust of anything associated with that particular god. "I know she is special to you, just wish I could trust her," he smiled knowing he had no place to demean the child in front of her birth mother. That mix of influences... godling, human, vampire, witch and demon...few good things could come of such a blending. Dar chuckled, "That may be the first time you ever lived up to your name brother. Guessing you and Kulhekhan..." Heraditeez added quickly, "They have history." Some of the others smirked or chuckled a bit. "One week brothers, sisters...submit any names and why you think they should be a candidate for the open positions we have. We'll let all of you know when the summit is but plan on a month," Dar gave a nod to the others and the others nodded their approval and, their business concluded, they started making their temporary farewells. Kynna thinks wondering how many of their friends would arrive back at their home for their daughter's birthday. And how many would greet both the kids with respect discontent. Dar saw they had almost all left save Scorn, Anbesol, Liandra, Luna and Fakesh. Heraditeez chuckled, "Think they all have vellums created and are summoning ink and quill even as I speak." They all laughed at that. "We," Fakesh began, "already have a rebuild to do. Let them sort out that craziness." Dar grinned at his wife, "Be happy to help you when the time comes for that. We owe you two a great deal." Lord Fakesh nodded, "As do we." Luna nodded, "Like our lives...if you hadn't come..." Dar shivered and nodded as Liandra rested her head on his shoulder. "As the Lawgiver is here, I propose a formal wardship of Lady Liandra in the name of House Kynna. Until she can decide what her future holds," Scorn nodded and turned to the Queen and Liandra, "What do both of you say?" Kynna giggles softly, "I was just thinking of taking her in and raising her as one of ours for now. Until she feels ready to tell us what she wants." Dar saw Liandra looking about as happy as he had seen her in weeks, "I'd rather that than trying to be a Lord, that's scary... one challenge and I'd be dead without my magics." She looked as if the idea truly terrified her. There had to be other demons who had no magic gifts. He had no clue how to advise the girl, "Sounds like it is settled." Scorn nodded in agreement, "Liandra is your ward, now if all of you will excuse me..."

Kynna nods and curtsies to Scorn "Be well Lord Scorn. As we will be on our way as well. Liandra maybe your now Aunt Snow can teach you some things she knows as the tribe's Medicine Chief." Dar saw Liandra's face curl into a scowl, "Human magic?" Heraditeez laughed at her, "Child, some humans are powerful enough to banish demons or summon and imprison them. Remember, our Queen may have the village protected but beyond in their hidden lands...human and spirit magic protects that world. Any demon who's ever set foot there has been destroyed in seconds." Liandra stared open-mouthed at him, "I did not know that..." Kynna smiles and giggles, "I use blood magic to protect that tribe. I owe them my life from when I was 12. If it wasn't for this tribe, I don't know if I would still be here. They took pity on a demonic child and let her be but in return I had to be their shield and sword." Dar spoke quietly to Liandra, "Our strength child has been not only what we can do individually but how we behave. We work with people, treat them well and we stand up for each other, fight for each other. Fakesh, how many of the Lords knew was attacking you?" Fakesh said in the quietest voice he'd ever heard, "Probably all of them." Dar shook his head in disgust, "And we were the only ones who acted, who fought back. Each of us is on their own. Together, nothing can beat us." Kynna nods in agreement smiling. Dar saw Fakesh smiling along with his wife, "Together." Dar nodded, "Seferatu did everything he could to pick you off one at a time. He knew that was all he could handle. He knew once we had his secrets, he had no way to win." Something about that thought made him uneasy, but not for today. Kynna kisses Dar's cheek smiling giving him some reassurance. 

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