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Either, I am too stupid or too super smart.

"Hey, Ashor!" My voice found itself on the highest pitch I could have ever let out.

But when Ashor's gaze meets with the boy beside he tutts, as if disbelieving my choices.

"Seriously?" He questions while passing beside me making think. This time, really think hard, whom to trust, whoever doesn't get the memo of this must be blind, because I surely get this all thing.

Nyxander's subtle warning lingers in my mind. He never said anything to me, but his actions were loud enough. His message was clear; don't trust Ashor. And something about his feelings left me gnawing at the whole scenario. And then there was Ashor. His judgemental gaze and simple words left me in doubt about my own choice.

But I don't need this, I am not here to medley between these two males whom I don't know and pretty much don't care. I am here for my brother's truth. But something about this all told me, that if I need to get my brother's secret out then I must have to take one these males help. I should take help, but not like this when I am stuck between these two. I need clarity, I need someone who knows the truth about these all. About their intentions.

My thumb lingers on my lips, as my mind get lost into the shadows of my thoughts. A nervous habit. I bite down, just enough hard to prick my skin and feel the sting of it. My eyes stared in the blank daze of infront me. Who can see through the shadows between Nyxander and Ashor? Who knows enough to help me understand this mess?

I need to find them and soon, before the shadows of dark eat me out.

A gentle tap broke my reverie and I look around startle. Empty seats stare back at me, my head turn around to look at the intruder standing beside me. A girl with short hair looks at me. The eyes, her eyes. They aren't normal, regular. They aren't common. They are in daze as if they had known the world for too much time and needs no other relation from it.

"Sierra, Sierra Storm." She introduces herself with a curt nod of her head.

Wait, what is my name? No, like what the hell? Ah, now I remember it. Lena.

"Lena Hawthorne, the new girl." I try to smile but my lips strains making me purse them back. I can't smile, not even for a fraction. Everytime, I try my lips tremble, as if they are too much work.

"Nice," she mumbles and begin to walk out of the classroom.

"Wait, Sierra!" My voice loud as I call out for her.

"As you already know, I am kind of new here. I am having trouble with all of this thingy with this school. Specially, the students. Can you please help me out with this all, you know?" I purse my lips, her eyes connects with me making me think what is going in her mind. I wish I could do that.

"I can help you, but neither I am your friend nor enemy." Her words makes my eyebrows knit together and my guts flare up with fear. What the hell is she talking about?

"What?" Before I could say something more, she signs with her eyes. Her dark pupils going behind me and then back to me. Someone was behind us.

"If you want me to help you find out about the reality of your brother's demise. Meet me at midnight behind the dormitory. After twelve." Her shoulder collides with me making stumble as she goes out of the class. I blink once, twice, thrice.

What the heck?

"It is better that you don’t talk about anything inside the building." His voice was a hot whisper against my earlobe.

Goosebumps appear on my arms as I grip the hem of my black blazer. My heart thumping aloud as I close my tightly. My jaw set tight and shoulders tense. I stay rigid until I feel him gone. Slowly turning around I feel the tension evaporating, wind passing through window telling me he was gone.

Gulping down the lump in my throat, I breathed heavily. My lungs burning as I glared behind me, the place where he was standing just a moments ago.

Huffing around, I pick up my books and made my way out of the classroom, my hands sliding into my pocket for my schedule, biology.

My steps near the classroom as my chest heaves up and down. If I am not wrong,  I am never wrong, then there is something here, which is quiet unbelievable. Because I am not an outcast, still students here tends to ignore me.

Entering the class, I walks to the last bench to avoid any of the conflict faced just few moments ago. Same pattern follows as before, students come in quietly, sits on their places. Teacher comes in quietly and begins her first chapter of biology.


She scribbles on the blackboard, and start giving us all lectures. This all is too much patterned. I know schools have rules, studied in one of the most prestigious school of my city. But I never went through, this much pattern. It is like a loop of waking up, walking to school, studying, coming back. This all doesn't make any kind of sense. It's like they are being controlled, moreover everyone's eyes screams one thing very clearly.


Why is that?

Did it happen after my brother died or is it because of my brother? Did he do something? Nope. My brother wasn't a very curious soul like me. But it doesn’t take long for your demons to take the hold of your leashes.
My phone buzzes in pocket grabbing my attention. To not break this pattern I slowly slide my hand into pocket and pull it out. Tapping on the screen I come across a notification of message from an unknown number.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

My heart thumps aloud in my ear as they starts ringing. My thumb starts shaking, as I try to breath but nothings comes into my system.

The message steals my breath and my vision blurs as I stare on the screen. Long enough that it starts changing into blur. Black spots covers my vision as inshake my head and try to see clearly.  But I am not quite successful. Something grips my heart, not something, it's more like someone. Or mostly like someone's eyes. My skin pebbles from the chill that slid down spine sensing someone's eyes.

Fear laces my features as I roam my head to see hear and their them back to phone.

Unknown number: do you like this pattern?

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