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Brightness breaks into room from the window of my room, making me stare at bare walls in my room. My mind... let's just say it is empty like my stomach which grumbles aloud. Sliding away from the bed, I turn on my phone and look at the time. Five thirty seven. Perfect. Exhaling a breath I walk into the bathroom and strip away every piece of fabric. Turning on the shower, I stand under it washing away the hotness.

I shiver but don't turn off the cold shower, despite the chill making a home in body. Physically frozen is better than mentally froze. At least the physically frozen cam be wear off by the hotness of other body or things. But mentally frozen people can't help it. They have to wait for the sun to arrive.

Rubbing the body wash on my body, I began to rub off the every element of memory of last night. His words ringing in my ears. I did the right thing, right? I should have ran before, but the coldness stayed with my demons, and everytime that happens. I have to force myself and prove, that I am bigger than my demons.

Washing away the foam, I step out of the shower and dry my body from the towel. Hollow eyes stare me back as I look myself in the mirror. How did I ended up looking like this in just few minutes? Exhaling a heavy breath, I look away

Cause, that's all you can do.

Tension builds in knot in my guts, as I blink away the haze clouding my mind. For the sake of lovely God, I can't just turn off my mind in the morning. Slapping myself to wake up, I walk out of the bathroom and slips into the school uniform. Formal white shirt with black skirt. What is so good  about darkness?

I get ready in daze. I don't if I have made up  my hair or left them open. The only thing I do right now, is to get out of this dorm as possible. Or the hollowness will chew me alive. My steps fell into sync with other girls. Finally. I don’t have to think about where to go, or whom to ask for directions?

My eyes roam on the labels of the class as we enter into the property of the school. Just when I thought, I was going to have some peace. A face pops put of nowhere making me flinch as I stare harder at the person. The blonde curls over his face covers his eyes as he, tilts his head and waves his hand infront of me.

"Hey, remember me?" His deep voice rambles out of his throat as he straightens up making me realise he is a good foot taller than me. Seriously, why the heck everyone knows me here? He nods his head as if he read the expression taking over my face and continues.

"Remember yesterday, you was exiting the principle's room and I was entering. Hi again, I am Ashor. The head of the Vulture club." He sticks out his hand, for a handshake, I guess. Obviously, duh.

"Hi. Lena  Hawthorne, here." Pindrop silence surrounds as the girl walking infront of me stops and turns behind to look at me. Something shines in her eyes, as she runs away into the school field. Horror. There was horror in her eyes.

Ashor's eyebrows draws back in what I know is confusion. "Are you related to Ethan Hawthorne?" He asks after a beat making me almost choke on my breath.

"Yes, I am his sister." I nod my head, shifting from one leg to another.

"Blood related?"


My head feels heavy the more I talk about my brother. "Excuse me," I mutters and walks away with pretty fast steps to my classroom. English Literature. Walking to the first seat available, I settle myself and waits for teacher to arrive. My hands goes in my bag, in search of my book. But I found none. Great. Keep staying in daze. That way I won't even get my things done.

"Excuse me, this is my seat." The same familiar voice greets making me snap my head to see him. His face is again hidden by his mask. What is behind the mask? A question arises making me stare at his mask for a longer time than a minute. Not only that, but he is wearing round glasses too. He clears his throat grabbing my attention.

Com'on Lena, nerds aren't that simple and easy. Remember the books you have read.

"Where would I go, then?" I ask dumbly making a fool out of myself.

"Anywhere, but not here." He answers and shoves away my bag and pencil case.
A man in his fifties enters the classroom, his hands full of books as he assemble them on his desks. Students stand up to greet the teacher, and I follow what they do. I have to blend in.

"Good morning, students. I am professor Harry. I will be taking your classes of Literature." He smiles to us and turn to blackboard as he scribbles the word 'literature' on it. And turn to us. Finally, the royal graces us with his attention.

"Why are you both standing?" He asks nearing the desk.

"I am new student. Lena Hawthorne. Please assign me a seat." I speak before the boy making him squint his eyes at me. My fingers tighten around my bag as I stand under his dominant eyes.
"You can sit beside Nyxander." Saying he goes back to his blackboard and I turn around in search for the person named Nyxander. I don't know why, but suddenly I feel chills around me as I hear a warm whsiper in my ear.

"I am Nyxander." He answers and sits down on his seat, as I stare him with wide eyes. Heat crippling to my face as I hastily settles down beside him and fumbles with my fingers.

"No masks in my class. Nyxander, take it off." Prof. Harry says and takes out bunch of papers and dust them.

Nyxander slowly takes off the mask and curiosity churns in my stomach. I want to a have a look, on how he looks like. He might not be an innocent but his wide ink black eyes seems to be. However, when a lean closer to have a look at him, I find myself drawing to him. As if an imaginary thread is pulling me.

"Sorry, I am late." The class is disrupted by another familiar voice I heard this morning. Ashor stands gasping for breath and enters the class after getting permission.

"Where were you?" Harry asks and I turn straight in seat. There's no way Nyxander might know I was looking at him. To be honest, I am sneaky as a mosquito. But all my confidence is broken when I get a glimpse of his tilted lips.

Great way to get caught.

"Hey, we meet again!" Ashor comes in my direction waving his hand, and before I can respond something happens which makes my senses go haywire.

A touch steals my breath.

Nyxander grabbed my bare thigh from under the skirt. I hastily look down and cover my lap with my bag. The pad of his fingers runs across mynbare skin making me shudder, and goosebumps erupt on my skin.

That's when I notice he is tapping on my thigh.

"Don't talk."

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