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Rage fills my vision as I walk into the corridor. Nyxander sits on the small wall which separates the ground school floor. Gritting my teeth, I march towards him. His head bobbing in rhythm as I cam infront of him. Sensing me he opens his eyes. Darkness stare me beyond my soul. And something tells me I should runaway.

Not now.

What happened in the night must be confronted before something bad happens. Something really bad.

"What were you doing last night in my room?" I voice hung low in a whisper as I lean forward. His breath hitting my face. And if I wasn't focusing on him I would have lost the look something that passed over his face.
"That is thing Lena. You are now officially doomed. Rest. In. Peace." He does a cross with his hands and lean on his palms. Craving my head I glare at him. My fingers instantly clutching his tie and bringing him closer to my face.

"Nyxander," my breathy voice escapes. I fear, why won't I?

"The thing I am hating right now is, you talking in riddles. Either answer me properly or I am gonna push off." My threat isn't a threat. By the look of his eyes I know he doesn't believes me. His eyes mocking me, daring me to complete my threat.

"And what if I don't want to answer you?" He questioned back instead of answering and I swear I saw his death in my hands. Straightening my palm on his chest I smile. A sickenly sweet smile. Surprise blows out in colours on his face when I push him hard and walk away. His oomph echoes in my ears as I lean over the small four feet wall and look at him laying upside down. He deserve that

He should have told me instead of going into riddles. The moment I turn around I see Seirra standing just behind me. Giving her a glare and a shove I walk away to my class.

One thing which was very clear about this place; trust nobody here.

Things are going to get pretty hard if I don't do something very soon. Dread churns me over as I walk into the class. Taking in a deep breath I slump on the last seat. My eyes sting, but I blink away the burn and focus on the nature out of the classroom. Beautiful trees cover the field.

"You, okay?" Ashor's voice attracts my attention as I turn to him to smile and nod my head.

"Yeah." My voice shake as I realise why my brother liked this place. Death lured him here with it's beauty. What if this place didn't exist? What if he was still here with me? What if it is just a dream?

"Why are you crying?" Startled I look around myself. Oh,

He was still here. Concern lace his features as I stare at him. What if I tell him about it? What if he helps me? I open my mouth, but decides against it. I can't drag another innocent soul into this. Nope. He doesn't deserve. Wiping my tears with back of my hand, I smile and look again out of the window.

Warn hand engulfs my cold hands, Ashor doesn't say anything, but just gives my hand a squeeze.

"Living here must be overwhelming, but trust me. I am here if you need me." I shake my head in as single nod. My throat tightening making it harder for me to speak.

My heart thumps. Thankful for him, being here. He doesn't force me open up. Just stays beside me the entire period and occasionally squeezing my hand, dragging me out of my hand. The bell ring and we stand up, him still holding my hand. I slowly pull my hand away from and walk out of the class.

My steps slightly falter as I sense someone's eyes on me. Turning around I see Nyxander's fixated eyes boring holes into my soul. With a sharp intake of breath I turn around and began walk out of the class. My breath comes out uneven as I hurry out of the place, in search of shelter.


The urge of hide intensifies as I close my eyes and chant in my head.

It is a bright day, nobody will chase me in my bright days. Nope.

But the feelings in my guts twist into more nasty feeling as I try to calm myself down.


Dark night comes again as I slip into my comfy clothes and goes out of the room. If I want to seek the truth, then I can't just sit with my hand on hand. It doesn't feel the void inside, even the feeling of fear is not good, but atleast it doesn't make me feel void or make wallow in the abyss.

My steps tip toes as I walk out of the dormitory building.I guess tonight I should go in the academy itself. Maybe it will lead me to truths. Truthfully, I don't even know myself which kind of truth I am searching for. I just want to know how my brother died, but I don't know how? Ethan. Just his memory brings the tightness around my throat making me breath harshly as I enter the dark building.

I walk into the locker room. A place I should have looked earlier into, but bless my soul and mind. Which doesn't work in time.


His locker number, I remember it very well. My finger slowly traces the lockers as I try to locate his.






Here, it is. My cold fingers curled around the knob as I turn it open, but couldn't. Well, I need a key for it. Which I don't have, right now. It must be in the administrative office. Which is in another building. What is wrong with people here, making different buildings. God.

The moment I turn around, my breath hitches. There, in front of me, stood someone. A figure shrouded in darkness, holding a knife. His silhouette was lean, but unmistakably a man. His face was obscured beneath a hood, giving him an even more sinister presence. My pulse pounded in my ears as fear gripped my chest, but it was the black dots creeping into my vision that truly terrified me. I swear, in that split second before I turned and ran, I saw death staring back at me.

I run and hear the man chasing me with a knife. Great. Just what I need. Another night of trying to survive.

My breath huffs out as I run harder, leaving him behind me. Getting inside the nearest classroom, I close the door. Locking it. My breath comes out in pants as I look around for something to help me. But there was nothing which. Noone who could help me. God. I even left my phone behind.

The sudden knocking on the door made tears sprang into my eyes as I yelled and stared at the man trying to break the glass door. My breaths turns harsher and heavier as I stare at him wide eyes. His face was still invisible.

No. No. No.

I can't die here. The harsh knocking turns into punches and kicks. I try to gulp down the fear which turns into a puddle in my guts. Terror grip my heart as my eyes follows the crack on the glass which gets bigger by each punch. My eyes widened staring at the webcrack forming on the glass.


I can't die here.

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