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**Fey's POV**

Mom, Dad, Lolo? Where should I go? Who can I turn to? I can't do this. My hands press against my face, trying to hold back the tears, but it's no use. My voice is lost to me, everything around me is a blur. My mind is in chaos, and I can’t breathe.

Someone, please, save me. My body starts to shake, trembling uncontrollably.

“Whatever it is you’re dealing with, you’re going to get through it.”

Reigner? Is that Reigner's voice? In my desperation, I hope it's him. Has he come to save me? I lift my head, straining to see through the haze. Reigny? I try to call out, but my voice fails me. Reigny, I miss you. I miss you so much. I need you. Please. I try to scream, but only tears escape my eyes, silent and unyielding.

I feel his warm embrace envelop me, and I sigh in relief. Reigny. It’s Reigny. Only he can bring me this kind of comfort. I bury my face in his shoulder and cry until I have no tears left. His familiar scent and the heat of his body make me feel calm. I feel safe—he feels like home. I let myself drift off to sleep in his arms, knowing that as long as I’m with Reigner, I am protected from the world.

..in the morning..

I woke up to a blinding light gently hitting my eyes as it slipped through a gap in the curtains. I slowly sat up, blinking against the brightness, and took in my surroundings. The scent of someone familiar lingered in the air, but this wasn’t a room I recognised. I tried to adjust to my surroundings and wandered around a bit, realising I was in someone else's room.

There were paintings hanging on the walls, but I didn’t pay them much attention. My head was throbbing, and my eyes ached terribly. I sank back down onto the bed, feeling drained. After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door, but I was too exhausted to respond. I just stared at the window blankly.

After a minute, the door creaked open, and I heard footsteps slowly approaching. I turned my head and saw Max. So, it was Max—not my Reigny. But why does he remind me of him so much? It feels like I’ve known him my entire life. I could see his emotions clearly through his eyes—those sad, sparkling brown eyes filled with worry and concern.

“Wala na si Papa,” I whispered, doing my best to hold back the tears. I bit my lower lip to stop the sobs from escaping, but it didn’t stop the tears from streaming down my face. I thought I had no more tears left to cry, but I was wrong. Moments later, I felt Max’s arms around me. He didn’t say a word, but his hands gently rubbing my back and head were more comforting than anything he could have said.

I accepted his embrace, letting myself cling to his warmth. I was terrified of letting go. What if I released him and fell back into the darkness? I was so scared. I didn’t want to be alone. I cried.

“I’m here, Alex. I’m here.”

Such simple words, yet the hope they carried gave me the strength to hold on. They were exactly what I needed to hear. I nodded against his chest, feeling the comfort of his hand gently caressing my back and head.

After a while, when my tears had finally run dry, I lifted my face to look at Max. I wondered why he was doing this. I knew we were strangers to each other; he had no reason to comfort me like this. We were just two students attending the same school. He reached out to wipe the remaining tears from my cheeks, and I closed my eyes at the gentle touch.

His hands were so warm and tender. Why are you doing this, Max? I asked myself silently. But my thoughts were interrupted by the growl of my stomach. I hadn’t eaten anything all day. I lowered my head in embarrassment.

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