Reign and Fey

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**Max's POV**

"Reigny, baby, do you have everything you need?" my mom asked for what felt like the hundredth time. I couldn't help but laugh and hug her.

"Yes, Mom, I have everything," I replied, playfully rolling my eyes.

"Alright, that's good. Tell Mom and Dad we'll try to come home within the month. Your father has a lot of work to wrap up here," she added, gently patting my back.

"Sure, Mom. My flight’s in a bit, so I’ll get going now." I gave her another hug, and then one to Dad as well.

"Take care, son. Say hi to Mom and Dad for us," Dad said as we broke the hug.

I waved at them one last time before heading inside the airport.

After settling into my seat, a voice crackled through the speakers. *"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are scheduled to depart shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for takeoff. We’re expecting a smooth flight, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey."*

I exhaled deeply, a heavy weight pressing against my chest. I ran my hands through my hair, trying to calm my thoughts. I need to get a hold of myself. Hopefully, the fresh air back home will ease this ache in my heart, even if only a little.

I woke up to the captain’s voice over the speaker. *"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain. We will be landing shortly. Please return to your seats and ensure your seatbelts are fastened. We hope you had a pleasant flight."*

Slowly stretching, I realized we had arrived. I quickly gathered my things and made my way off the plane. Mamo and Dadu should already be waiting for me inside the airport.

As I carried my suitcase, I scanned the bustling terminal. Not far away, I spotted them holding a banner that read, *"Welcome Home, Reigny."* A smile crept onto my face as I waved. I saw Mamo jump with excitement, waving back as I ran towards them eagerly.

"Mamo, Dadu!" I called out, rushing to embrace them both tightly.

“Reigny, we missed you so much,” Mamo said, her voice thick with emotion, eyes shimmering with unshed tears. Dadu smiled warmly, reaching for my suitcase.

"Let me help you with your things," he offered, taking the weight from my hands.

"Thanks, Dadu."

“Let’s go, Reigny. We cooked all your favourites!” Mamo added, her voice bright and full of excitement as we made our way out of the airport and to the car waiting outside.

We settled into the car with Dadu behind the wheel. As we began the drive home, Mamo turned to me with a gentle smile. "How are you, Reigny?"

"I'm doing good, Mamo. Just graduated," I replied, though my smile felt weak and forced.

Mamo caught the look on my face in the rearview mirror, concern flashing briefly in her eyes. But she chose not to press further, allowing the silence to linger.

After a while of driving through the bustling city, we finally arrived at the barrio, where the familiar hill stood tall, a place woven with countless memories of Fey and me. It hadn't changed much, though the grass had grown a little taller, swaying lazily in the breeze.

I smiled softly as I gazed out the window. Maybe, just maybe, a breath of fresh air was exactly what I needed to clear my mind.

We reached home around lunchtime, but instead of heading to the dining room, I made my way upstairs to put away my things. My heart grew heavy with each step, knowing I was about to enter a room that was once a sanctuary for our younger selves.

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