Chapter 9: Eyes of Crimson

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"My Little Chickadee," Isrina placed a plush chickadee in Shien's hands. "Please be okay."

"The Grandmaster is with him. He's in good hands, trust me," Saitori held Isrina's shoulder.

"Shien and our dear masters are battling the Earth Sister," Enshiron pat Shien's head with Elysia. "Please guide them, Rhu Makiyu Eta!"

"Lord, Heavenly Father! Whatever scary witchcraft the Earth Sister has, she is nothing compared to your awesome glory!" Mivangeline folded her hands with Shien's in prayer. "Provide Shien and the Vultau masters strength and wisdom! In Jesus' name, you've already brought them victory!"

"Shien! Oreic! You got this!" All of Shien's friends huddled together. "Don't give up!"


"That's your plan, Shien?" Inveticus summoned an icicle shield against the sludge bombs of the pitcher plants. "But I don't have any better ideas."

"It's worth a shot!" Oreic scorched the spitting rafflesias with Enbu Fenix. "We must defeat Terrhina fast before Aian succumbs to the poison!"

"Okay! Let's move!" Shien instructed as the three split up.

"Lord, God! This is no longer a fight for my mind, this is a fight for the women crying in pain!" Shien called to God aloud. "Help us free them! Break the yoke of Terrhina's witchcraft in Jesus' name! Amen!"

As the trio began their brave operation, Terrhina and Aian hacked and slashed against each other at high speed on the high canyon. The Earth Sister backed off, playing the qanun to summon her rafflesia vines to attack. Grandmaster Aian charged through the evil plants, maintaining her breathing to slow the poison's circulation. She lunged for Terrhina's neck, but the rafflesia vines grappled her arms and legs tight.

"Why care about others, Aian? Look where it got you!" Terrhina watched Aian struggle against the plants' grip. "Why help Shien? He's merely a resource who supplies me with his precious blood, reviving my beautiful magic!"

Sh-Shien is Makiyu's creation, not a resource. The Grandmaster glared as Terrhina took her dizi and threw it off the canyon. H-he's not for sale. Neither are the women you've tortured.

"The Grandmaster chose to lay her life for one meaningless Shien," Terrhina opened her unnaturally wide mouth in Aian's face. "Ready to join my collection?"

Aian screamed, feeling her skin slowly peel off into Terrhina's mouth until a fireball set the Earth Sister on fire.

"Who did that?" Terrhina looked. "Who dared to burn my succulent skin?"

She spotted Oreic riding on Enbu Fenix toward her on one side while Des Manthesia flew Inveticus from another, using their aerial advantage to avoid the plants' attack range. Shien jumped over the tall trees, approaching Terrhina from a third direction while evading the chomping Venus fly traps.

"You think you're safe from my plants in the air, masters?" Terrhina played her strings. "Taste the glory of the sun!"

The pentagram sun fired solar beams at the three. Enbu Fenix and Des Manthesia spun in the air, evading the deadly heat rays.

"Go! Go! Go!" Shien shouted at the masters, bouncing across the trees to dodge the solar beams and the pursuing plants. "Don't give up!"

Shien, Oreic, and Inveticus are triangulating Terrhina from three directions! It's a good plan, but they can't get close if Terrhina's commanding her sun. I have to help! Aian then closed her eyes in meditation. Rhu Makiyu Eta, I know I'm near the end, but please provide me strength to save Shien's soul! No, not just Shien, all the girls enslaved by Terrhina's greed!

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