our mission part 1

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so I am officially starting to do intros. But I will only say thanks to people for the nice comments and some details about the story mainly if there's a time skip like this one. And you can already guess by the tittle it's about the big four girls mission. And like I said about giving thanks to people I would like to thank AvigailBook, Jelsashipper1202, stasiaface for the awesome comments on the last chapter. So, on to the story! ❄

Elsa's POV

" hello my best spies, so today we have a mission for all of you. It's nothing that big like you thought it would be, but it's still a mission. You four have to protect prince William doing his speech, tonight. " Mrs. Ross explained

" well if it's at night we have an advantage " Anna said

" yes, but they/him or her have an advantage too, it will make it easy for who ever we are going against to hide there weapons" Merida pointed out.

" you girls can stay here and plan everything I have a meeting with the rest of the HQ' s. " Mrs. Ross said and she left

We sat down at the table and we were discussing.

" so should we go and check out the place, we're he's doing his speech? " Rapunzel asked

" yeah, but before we go " I giggled " I have to tell you what happened in detention " I said

" were listening " they all said at the same time

" ok, so Mrs. Arnold was looking over us in detention and, she let us use our phones. And she was a retired spy. My phone buzzed and it was Mrs. Ross and she told me to come here for our mission. So I went up to her and I whispered her that I needed to go 'cause of the mission. And she let me go, but I asked her how much more are the boys staying there and she told me that twenty more minutes. So I asked her if she can make thirty. And she told me, of course. So I grabbed my bag and left. I was just a few steps away from the door, and heard Jack asked if they could go. And Mrs. Arnold said they had thirty more minutes to go. " I finished

The girls were laughing and Anna fell off the chair and she was laughing, rolling on the floor. Which only made us laugh harder.

" k lets go girls " I said

They stood up and we left to go get our motorcycles. That's the way we came here. We put on our helmets. The helmets had a speaker connected by Bluetooth so we can communicate. We really haven't use our motorcycles in a while. Mine is like sort of neon blue, with a white snowflake on it. Anna's is neon pink and has a flower on it. Rapunzel's is neon purple with a sun on it. And Merida's is neon red with a bow and arrow on it. ( A/N I don't know if most of these colors are real ) They are all glow in they dark, only when we think about it. Its like when you clap your hands twice the lights turn on.

" were here " Punzie said trough the speaker.

got to end this chapter here, sorry. But this is half a chapter, tomorrow I'll make the other part. And sorry if it's short. So don't forget to follow me, vote, and comment. And I'll see you, in the next chapter. Bye bye ❄

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