A/N Story time

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So yeah me and one of my friends got in a fight. And as many of you know I got in a fight some time ago with two of my friends. Let's called them Jennifer and Christopher.

So this fight is actually with my friend Christopher. So a couple weeks ago we were texting and he always insults me. And I get it he was teasing.

But when someone teases you by insulting you a lot, you really don't know if they're actually teasing or not after some time.

So one day we were texting and I just snapped. He insulted me again and I couldn't take it anymore. I told him that I was done with his insults. So I told him I was gonna go text some other friends that actually appreciated me not like him.

So he knows that I usually never snap. And I left. And then after a couple weeks I saw that after I stopped talking to him he texted me stuff like.
- I was joking.
-I didn't think you'll take it seriously.
-Come back.
-I miss my friend already.

And my friend Jennifer sent me screenshots saying that he lost his best friend (me).

And to be honest I was still mad at him so I read his texts and just left it at that.

But he was very important to me and I kinda regret getting mad at him.

And a couple days ago I texted him saying that I wasn't mad anymore. And he still did not reply to me.

So I was sad. I'm thinking that he probably doesn't want to hear from me again. And I really want him back.

So I went to school to pick up my schedule and I was in line to get my agenda and I was with my mom. And I was looking around trying to see people I haven't see in a while.

Until I saw this person I wasn't planning on seeing.

Ok I was expecting him, that's why I did my hair all nicely to prove to him that I stayed 'strong' after the fight. And I wasn't I almost broke out crying after the fight.

And when my eyes landed on him. I just froze. My mom didn't know about what was going on. And she told me to go to the back to get this paper that I thought I needed and he was there at that table.

So I started panicking, telling my mom that we didn't need it. Mostly cuz my friend picked up her schedule before me and already left and this is a different friend btw. Let's call her Emma.

And if Emma was there with me, I would go but I'll tell her to come with me. I just didn't have the guts to talk or have eye contact with Christopher.

So I kept telling my mom we didn't need it. And my mom told me to go ask this lady at the front of the line.

( btw we were in the cafeteria. I was at the front and Christopher was at the back)

So I am shy to go and ask someone mainly adults for something. So I didn't want to ask.

So some time went by and I didn't see him. And I was scared he'll come and talk to me, or that he'll notice me. So after I got my agenda I stayed close to my mom. And we walked out and I didn't see him after I noticed him at first.

I was texting my friend Jennifer while that was happening. Telling her I was panicking.

So yeah I really want Christopher in my life again. He was someone I could always talk to. He would make me have fun. And I enjoyed that time texting at one in the morning.

He gave me a nickname which I thought was really cute. And I call him be his nickname that his family calls him.

So yeah that's why I haven't been updating because I felt down.

So yeah do y'all want to hear more Story times of my life?

Let me know by commenting here!

So yeah thank you all for 16.6K views. Like omg y'all are the best.

And yeah I'll update tomorrow. And like I said if y'all want more story times please let me know.

So yeah bye I love you all!!!

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