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Stephania's POV

Ok, something's gonna happen. Don't know what but hopefully something good.

"Steph, snap out of it!" Gio yelled at me

" what?" I whined

" what you thinking about?" he asked me

" something that doesn't concern you" I told him

" hey, do you think we might be adopted anytime soon?" He asked

" well, we had our chances, but they only wanted one of us, and I will never leave you" I said

" I'll never leave you either" he said

He fell asleep on my lap. Sometimes he treats me like the younger sister. Even though I'm older

You may be asking why we know we're related, well one, we were sent here together.

Two we look a like. We both have pale skin. Black hair. I have blue on the front of my hair and a bit on my bangs. My hair reaches to my waist. So I often put it in a braid or in a ponytail. And we both have blue eyes.

Oh did I forget to mention that we both have powers. I have ice powers. I control ice, snow and wind. Gio controls nature. Plants and animals.

But we have one more secret. I'll say it later.

I want to go to sleep.

Giovanny's POV

I woke up next to my sister. I forgot we were on my bed. I gently picked her up and put her on her bed. I didn't bother to put her blanket over her. The cold doesn't bother her because of her powers.

We share a room because we didn't want to be separated, so they gave us our room. We've been here since we were babies. We don't know why they gave us up. Or who gave us up.

But as long as me and Steph are together. I don't care where we are.

I love my big sister. And I want her to be safe. Even though she's older, I treat her as a little sister.

The next day

Stephania's POV

" Stephania, Giovanny some people want to see both of you." We heard our friend Grace yell from the other side of the door.

" coming in about ten" Gio and I yell.

" c'mon" I said

" wait, people want to see us both?" Gio asked.

We look at each other and run to get our stuff.

I was brushing my hair in front of my mirror. I'll let it down today.

" we might be adopted" I said

" we might have a real family" Gio said

I was wearing a black tank top with my leather jacket. Black skinny jeans and my back hightop converse. I put on mascara and black eye liner.

Gio had a black shirt with his leather jacket. Black jeans, and his black converse. He left his hair in a somewhat mess. I won't bother him.

" let's go" I said.

We ran in the halls. And went sliding down the rail to the bottom floor.

" ok, here we go" I whisper to myself.

We knock on Mrs. Rogger's office door.

" come in" we heard her say.

Gio opened the door and we saw three people sitting down.

" kids have a seat please. " Mrs. Rogger's says

We sit down on the other two chairs.

Oh boy, we better not screw this up.

Ryan's POV

So, there's my brother and sister. They look kinda nervous.

" ok, so Stephania, Giovanny. Your brother and sister came to take you home. They found out that you two were related and, they are taking both of you from here." Mrs. Rogger's said

Giovanny and Stephania looked at each other and looked like the were talking to each other with out opening their mouths.

" I'll leave you all to talk I need to go see how the other kids are doing. " Mrs. Rogger's said

She stood up and left.

" so who's our parents?" Stephania asked

" well father died when I was two years old. Mother is head of a companie. " I said

" what are their names?" Giovanny asked

"Sarah and Robert Ross" Sky answered

Stephania stood up and went to Mrs. Rogger's desk and picked up this paper.

She was conpairing five pieces of paper.

" ok did you even look at the names on the birth certificate?" She asked

" no, but I know that they are our parents. Why? " I asked

" because they aren't our parents" she said

Ohhhhhh, what just happened?
Find out next out chapter. Bye.

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