together at last

588 19 6

Jake's POV

I have my family back, Ryan, Skylar, Steph and Gio. But now that we're together, we have to go back to our Kingdom. The elemental kingdom.

They don't know that they're immortal.

I let go of Steph and looked at all of them.

" sorry about that, I thought you were pitch" the girl shooting ice at me said

" no worries" I told her

" so you control nightmare sand sis?" Gio asked Steph

" can we talk about this another time?" She asked

" fine" he said

" so where do we have to go Jake?" Ryan asked

" well your 'mom' said we needed to wait at this forest" I said

But I forgot the name.

" it's a forest up north east" I said

Ears and a tail appeared on Steph and Gio.

Steph had white tail and ears.

And Gio had a dark brown tail and ears.

They sniffed the air, and I'm guessing they're trying to find it.

" it's a far way from here. We won't make it walking. And the car isn't an option. " Steph said

The car thing, I was just having fun.

" so I'll take Skylar and Ryan on my back since I'm stronger I'll be able to carry both of you, Steph will take Elsa, Jake you can fly." Gio said

They transformed into a wolf. They're a bit bigger than a regular wolf but I'm guessing there not that big because they're just teens.

Elsa got on Steph. Skylar and Ryan got on Gio.

" yeah y'all should grab on, I don't know how fast they could go. " I said

They made their grip a bit tighter.

" ok let's go" I said

And then they started to run. We called someone to pick up the car. Since we rented the car.

So I have Steph's and Gio's stuff. They don't have much. But it's still in a big back pack. But I can still carry it.

But Steph and Gio are fast. I'm having trouble keeping up.

But I'm still behind them. I'm gonna guess that we might make it in twenty five minutes. I'm not really sure.

But since we're going fast I'm sure we'll make it soon.

So we're all immortal. And I actually never seen our father. Nobody has actually.

I talked to him growing up.

When I was little I was raised be this nice lady. She was not rich, but she was paid good. But when I was twelve years old, father told me what I need to do.

And that was get our family together.

He also told me I needed to do the job he said I was meant to do.

And that was to take the nightmares Pitch gave the kids around the world so Sand Man can replace them with sweet dreams.

I was meant to do this because since I control nightmare sand, I can easily take Pitch's Magic and make it my own. So I am strong with this power. But not strong enough to defeat Pitch by myself.

So I take his magic and Sandy replaces it.

We were all sent to earth for the same reason.


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