Chapter 9: The Meeting in the Shadows

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Taehyung’s car sped through the dimly lit streets, the city’s neon lights flickering against the dark sky. His mind replayed the conversation he had with IU just hours ago, the warmth of her voice and the concern in her eyes lingering in his thoughts. But now, as he approached the hidden alley, his demeanor shifted. The caring glances were replaced by steely determination, and the softness he showed to IU faded into the cold, hard edge of the mafia leader.

Taehyung, known as ‘V’ in the underworld, was about to attend a crucial meeting. He parked his car and stepped out, donning his mask once more. The air was thick with tension, and the faint sounds of the bustling city seemed far away, replaced by an eerie silence that only magnified his presence.

 The air was thick with tension, and the faint sounds of the bustling city seemed far away, replaced by an eerie silence that only magnified his presence

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As he walked deeper into the alley, a group of men dressed in dark suits emerged from the shadows, their faces obscured by the low light. They stepped aside respectfully as Taehyung approached, their posture rigid, waiting for their leader. Taehyung’s eyes scanned the area, his sharp gaze ensuring everything was in order.

He stopped in front of a metal door, his expression hidden behind the mask, but his presence was commanding. With a slight nod, one of the men stepped forward and opened the door, revealing a dimly lit room with a long table in the center. Several figures were already seated, their faces tense as they awaited Taehyung’s arrival.

“V,” one of the men said, standing up as Taehyung entered. “We’ve been expecting you.”

Taehyung didn’t respond immediately. He walked towards the head of the table, his footsteps echoing in the silent room. As he took his seat, the rest of the men followed suit, their eyes fixed on him, awaiting his next move.

“I hope there’s a good reason for this meeting,” Taehyung said, his voice calm but with an underlying edge of authority. “I don’t appreciate being summoned without prior notice.”

The man who had spoken earlier cleared his throat nervously. “Yes, of course. We have a situation that requires your attention, and we thought it best to address it immediately.”

Taehyung’s eyes narrowed beneath the mask. “Go on.”

“There’s been a leak,” the man continued, his voice trembling slightly. “Someone has been sharing information about our shipments to a rival group. We don’t know who it is, but we’ve been losing a lot of money, and our operations are being compromised.”

The room fell silent, the weight of the revelation hanging heavily in the air. Taehyung’s jaw tightened, and he leaned forward, his hands clasped on the table. “And you’re just telling me this now?” he asked, his tone icy. “How long has this been going on?”

“A few weeks,” the man admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “We wanted to handle it internally, but it’s getting out of control. We need your orders, V.”

Taehyung’s mind raced as he processed the information. A leak in his organization was unacceptable, and it had to be dealt with swiftly. Betrayal was not something he took lightly, and those who dared to cross him would face the consequences.

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