Chapter 6: Unveiling Intentions

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The following days at Bangtan University passed with a mix of ordinary routine and the subtle stirrings of something else—something Jungkook couldn’t quite put his finger on. Every so often, he felt a strange sense of being followed, a lingering presence that made the hairs on his neck stand on end. But no matter how many times he glanced over his shoulder, the source was never there.

Perhaps it was nothing. Perhaps it was stress—midterms, after all, were around the corner.

Jungkook arrived at the university early today, hoping to get some quiet study time in before classes started. As he approached the campus garden, he noticed how peaceful it was in the early morning hours. He took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air, feeling momentarily at ease.

But just as he sat down on a bench under a large oak tree, his phone buzzed.

Unknown Number: “Nice day, isn’t it? You look particularly thoughtful this morning.”

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat. His hands clenched around the phone as he reread the message. He quickly glanced around, scanning his surroundings, but all he saw were students walking by—none of them paying any particular attention to him.

 He quickly glanced around, scanning his surroundings, but all he saw were students walking by—none of them paying any particular attention to him

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His fingers trembled as he typed a reply.

Jungkook: “Who is this?”

No response. His gaze flickered toward the distant buildings, wondering if this was some kind of prank. But he couldn’t shake the unnerving feeling that someone was watching him—someone close.


From a distance, Taehyung smirked beneath his mask, watching Jungkook’s nervous glances. He was tucked behind the wall of the nearby building, his hood pulled low over his eyes, blending seamlessly into the background. The anticipation coursing through him was almost exhilarating.

It had only been a few days since the cameras were installed, but Taehyung already knew so much more about Jungkook

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It had only been a few days since the cameras were installed, but Taehyung already knew so much more about Jungkook. His routine, his preferences, the people he interacted with… It wasn’t enough to satisfy his growing obsession. He needed more. He needed to be closer.

Taehyung’s phone buzzed, and a message from Jae-hwan appeared on the screen.

Jae-hwan: “We’re tracking Jungkook’s movements, sir. Everything’s proceeding as planned.”

Taehyung typed a quick response: “Good. Continue monitoring, but don’t interfere yet. I’ll handle it.”

As he slipped his phone back into his pocket, his gaze returned to Jungkook, who was still seated on the bench, his expression one of confusion and mild anxiety. A part of Taehyung wanted to approach him right then and there, to reveal himself, to see how Jungkook would react.

But no. It wasn’t the time. Not yet.


Later that evening, Jungkook returned home, still rattled by the strange text message he had received earlier. He dropped his bag by the door and flopped onto the couch, letting out a deep sigh.

“Maybe it’s nothing,” he muttered to himself, though the uneasy feeling persisted.

The house was unusually quiet tonight. His parents were away on a business trip, and Namjoon was staying late at the company. Jungkook had the entire place to himself, and under normal circumstances, he would’ve relished the solitude. But tonight, the silence felt oppressive.

He pulled out his phone, debating whether to tell Jimin or Namjoon about the strange message. As he scrolled through his contacts, his phone buzzed again. His heart raced as he opened the new message.

Unknown Number: “Don’t worry, Jungkook. I’ll always be watching over you.”

This time, a shiver ran down his spine. Whoever this person was, they weren’t joking.

Jungkook: “Who are you?! Stop this!”

Again, no reply.

The uneasiness that had been gnawing at him for days suddenly intensified. He stood up, pacing the living room, glancing out of the window as if he expected someone to be standing there, watching him. The street outside was empty, the only sounds the distant hum of traffic.


Upstairs, hidden in the shadows, Taehyung watched Jungkook from the secret vantage point in the attic—a place he had discovered just the night before. The cameras he had installed were relaying everything to his phone, but being here in person felt different. It made the experience more… personal.

His eyes followed Jungkook’s every move as he paced the living room, his confusion and growing fear evident in his every step. Taehyung knew he was pushing the boundaries, but he couldn’t stop. It was intoxicating, being so close to the object of his obsession without Jungkook knowing.

Suddenly, Jungkook’s phone rang, breaking the tension. It was Jimin.

“Jimin-ah,” Jungkook answered, his voice trembling slightly, though he tried to hide it.

“Hey, Kookie, what’s up? You okay? You sound off.”

Jungkook hesitated, glancing around the room. Should he tell Jimin about the texts? But before he could decide, Jimin continued.

“I was thinking—let’s hit the gym tomorrow morning, like old times. Namjoon-hyung said he might join us too. We’ll grab lunch after.”

Jungkook forced a smile, grateful for the distraction. “Yeah, sounds good. I’ll be there.”

After a few more minutes of casual conversation, Jungkook hung up, feeling slightly more at ease. Maybe it was just his imagination. Maybe the texts were some random prank. He tried to push the unsettling thoughts to the back of his mind as he prepared for bed.

But as he switched off the lights and climbed into bed, Taehyung remained in the attic, his eyes fixed on the screen of his phone, watching Jungkook settle under the covers.

A strange feeling tugged at Taehyung’s chest—something he hadn’t expected. It wasn’t just obsession anymore. It was… something deeper. Something far more dangerous.


As the night stretched on, Jungkook drifted off into a fitful sleep, unaware that his every move was still being watched, that every breath he took was being monitored.

And Taehyung, hidden in the shadows, wondered how long he could keep his distance before the urge to reveal himself became too strong to resist.

Because in the end, he knew one thing for certain.

He could only stay in the shadows for so long.


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I hope you all love this chapter ✌🏻

Lumina love you all ❤️

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