There is a grand variety of creatures that inhabit the coastal cliffs and the sea where GulfClan make their home.
━ ORCA . . . while not often a threat unless a cat is swimming in the deeper part of the gulf, some lone orca may travel closer to the shore to practice hunting. if that is the case, they will not hesitate to beach themselves and snatch a cat off the shore.
━ SHARKS . . . only a threat if the cat is freely swimming in the waters of the gulf. while at times the smaller sharks may roam the shallows, most stay out in the deeper areas and attack from below.
━ COYOTES . . . these vicious animals will often roam the beaches and cliffs for a quick meal, and have been known to grab a cat or two if they get the chance.
━ SEA EAGLES . . . being such large birds means that sea eagles will take the opportunity to catch a small cat off guard. they have been known to swoop and snatch younger cats off the cliffs, though they will also go after large cats as well, by swooping by and either grabbing the cat to throw them off the cliff, or making them lose their footing and fall to their deaths.
━ SEAGULLS . . . the most common terrestrial prey of gulfclan cats is also relatively easy to catch. these birds can include terns, swifts, young petrels and albatrosses, gannets, cormorants, kittiwakes, young skuas, gulls, small or young pelicans, razorbills, shearwaters, eiders, auks, murres, oystercatchers, puffins, and plovers.
━ CRUSTACEANS . . . crabs and lobsters can be found in the tidepools on the narrow beaches scattered along the cliffs. they are relatively easy to catch if cats can avoid their claws and pincers.
━ FISH . . . many species of small fish can get washed into tidepools, but are also hunted in the shallow ocean waters. this makes for a quick and easy catch. fish included in this category are skates, triplefins, wrasse, flounder, and trout.
━ PETRELS . . . these large birds are aggressive, and though they don't typically eat cats, they will kill them if they feel the need to. cats are encouraged to remain far away from grounded petrels, especially if they happen to be nesting.
━ WILD PIGS . . . while they are mostly herbivores, wild pigs are aggressive and territorial. they have been known to chase cats across the beach and trample them. if caught in a chase, be sure to run fast and avoid their tusks. seek higher ground.
━ SEA TURTLES . . . mostly docile creatures, but absolutely massive, much larger than cats. it is best to leave these animals alone.
━ JELLYFISH . . . they tend to inhabit the shallow waters, and their sting can be quite painful, sometimes deadly. however, even when they wash up dead on the beach, these animals can still sting and should be avoided if possible.
𝙇𝘼𝙈𝘽𝙎 𝙏𝙊 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙇𝘼𝙐𝙂𝙃𝙏𝙀𝙍, warriors group roleplay
De Todo❛ to be a true warrior is to defend your clan, even if it costs your life! ❜