Chapter 10

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When I woke up, the first thing I felt was softness beneath me.

Where was I? Slowly, my eyes fluttered open, and I blinked into the dim light of a vast room, larger than any I'd ever been in before.

My body ached—sharp pain in some places, dull in others. I tried to move but winced immediately, the memory of the fire flashing back. The terror, the panic, the heat… Erik

I heard him arguing with someone.

"I told you to low down your voice. She's sleeping" it was undoubtedly his voice. His voice was low

"I am telling you for the hundredth time that she is a problem for us" the other voice said whom I couldn’t see as Erik's back was facing me.

"No she's not" Erik's dangerously low voice was scaring me.

"She doesn’t belong here, Erik. We need to send her home", the man snapped. His voice was gruff, impatient. "You’ve done your part. She’ll be safer if we get her out of your life. She’s a liability"

"She Is Not A Problem neither a liability"

There was a pause, thick with tension, and then I heard Erik’s voice, low and deadly calm.


"This is personal, isn’t it?" his teammate continued, his tone accusing. "You’re not thinking straight. She’s just some university girl, Erik. She’s not your problem anymore"

"She is mine to deal with and she’s not going anywhere," Erik growled, his voice more dangerous than I’d ever heard. "And if you suggest it again, I’ll break your jaw. Do you understand?"

His teammate hissed, not backing down. "We don’t need more distractions, Erik. You know this. You get attached, you lose focus, and then people die. Is that what you want to see her dea"

"Enough." Erik’s voice was like ice, cutting through the air with a deadly calm that made me shiver. "You don’t know what you’re talking about."

"Listen to me"

"I need updates about the operation going on" he ordered the other man.


"Get lost now"

The man nodded and went. I heard his soft footsteps.

Then I felt him sitting on the bed holding my hand brushing his fingers over my knuckles.

His hand brushed a strand of hair away from my face, his touch surprisingly gentle for a man known for his ruthlessness.

"Rose…" he whispered, his voice so low I almost missed it.

I slowly opened my eyes again to look at him and he quickly took back his hand.

"You’re awake", he said, his voice even, almost casual. Like we were having a normal conversation, as if nothing had changed.

I tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through my side, making me grasp. His hands surprisingly gentle as he helped me lean back against the pillows.

I nodded slowly, my body still sore but better than before. "Where am I?"

"At my home"

"Ooh" I whispered.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice smooth, almost too smooth, like he was controlling every word carefully.

I shrugged, trying to keep my tone light. "I’ve been better, but… I’m alive, thanks to you"

"I did what anyone would have done", he finally said, his voice cool.

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? I don’t think just anyone would have carried me through a fire and brought me to their home. You could’ve just left me at a hospital"

His jaw tightened, but his expression remained unreadable. "Hospitals aren’t safe"

The way he said it was so final, so dismissive, like it wasn’t worth discussing further. But I wasn’t going to let him get away that easily.

"But I'm now alright to go back home"

"No you aren’t. You will stay here until I can track down the evil web"

"That's not possible. I have studies" I said like a shameless who was running around doing investigation other than studies.

"I will help you covering up" he replied checking my wounds.

"You are not my professor"

"Rose you are sick that doesn’t mean that you have the access to get on my nerves by annoying me" he said rolling his eyes.

I let the silence hang between us for a moment, watching him carefully, trying to read the cracks in his armor. "I heard you", I said softly, testing the waters.

His head turned sharply toward me, his eyes narrowing. "What are you talking about?

"With the other guy a while ago"

"I said what I needed to", he replied coldly. "It’s a practical decision"

"Practical", I repeated, a small, bitter smile tugging at the corner of my lips. "Is that what this is to you? Just practicality? Because that’s not what I heard"

"You’re reading too much into this", he said, his voice tight. " I'm protecting you because it’s the smart thing to do, nothing more"

"Then leaving me there was more easier. I would be ashes by now"

"You don’t know what you’re talking about", he said in a low, dangerous voice. "You're in over your head. This world—my world—it will destroy you if you stay too close. I’m keeping you here because I’m responsible for you now, and that’s it"

"Responsible for me?" I repeated, incredulous. "Erik, I’m not some helpless girl who needs protection. I’m here because you want me here"

"You aren't helpless at all...I know you are much more capable to protect yourself. I have seen your vivid capabilities. Capability of following strangers in middle of the night and then almost got burnt in fire"

"Are you making fun of me?" I frowned

"Giving you reality check"

"I don’t need it"

"Of course you don’t. That's why I'm keeping you here to save you because I know that you will again jump into the well of danger"

"You can lie to yourself all you want, Erik", I said quietly, my voice steady. "But you can’t lie to me. Not do care about me"

For a moment, he looked like he was about to say something, to finally let the walls come down. But instead, he turned and walked away, leaving me with nothing but the sound of the door closing behind him.

And for the first time, I wondered if Erik was more afraid of his feelings for me than anything else in his world.

Thrilling parts or interaction between these two? Which one is more enjoyable? Let me know in the comments.

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