Chapter 1

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~Raven P.O.V~

"Raven get up! School break is over! you need to get ready!" Called my obnoxious older Brother. "Ten more minutes" I mumbled into my pillow. I heard foot steps then felt a pull and the next thing I knew was that I was on the cold, hard floor. "No. Now...last time i let you have 'Ten More minutes' you wouldnt get up" he said as he threw my bag at me. I ducked and it landed on my bed. "Jeez be careful" I said standing up and going into my bathroom locking the door behind me.

"Raven I'll be going with my friends in a few! make sure you leave on time!" he called walking down the creaky stairs. I got ready for my shower and then jumped into the warm water.

I got out after finnishing the cleaning of my skin and hair and  Wrapped a towel around me.  Walking out the bathroom, I went to my chest of drawers. The draw slid open and I grabbed a  purple Bring Me The Horizon shirt along with some black skinny-jeans. I went back to my bathroom and put them on along with the clean underwear I keep in there.

Turning to the Mirror I heard the downstairs door slam shut. I looked in the mirror to see my arms that had been cut a few days ago. I sighed and then I started doing my Black and Blue hair in its usual style (emo/scene just less poofy and fringe covering right eye).

I went to my closet and grabbed a Green Day hoodie and My Black paint splattered Converses. Putting  them on quickly and Shoving my rubber bands in my bag I ran downsairs and grabbed the spare money I hid from Ray in one of the many hiding places of this house.

"Shoot" I thought as I ran back upstairs for my phone and headphones. I looked at the time and it was 7:30am. I ran out the door and went to Costa for a coffee; Yes I know there's StarBucks but i prefer Costa.

I walked out Coffee in hand and plugged my headphones in. I played Shuffle and the first song that came up was Knives and Pens by  Black Veil Brides. I started walking the 15 minutes to school.

As soon as I got to School I had finished the drink. I put it in the bin and started walking into the school grounds. I made my way up the stairs of the main building. Looking up at the doors I pulled it open and luckily didnt get seen.

I went to my locker and put the books I dont need in it- except for my art book- I closed my locker then I felt someone push my head into my locker -BANG- the sound of the locker and my head colliding made the crowded hall turn to where it had come from.

 I turned around to see what asshole did it only to see Jess and her group of sluts and whores. "Hey emo" she said in her high pitch sound she calls a voice. "Hey Whore" I replied glaring at her. She looked at me and smirked "I couldnt wait for this school year, I mean I just wanted to watch the show" she said yanking at my hair. "Shit" I yelled as soon as she yanked it. She smiled as she pulled me to the ground whilst her 'best friend' Lauren hit me so i'd go down.

Jess stalked off with her group over to her boyfriend Matt, laughing. I stood up and went to the bathroom to clean my now messy hair. I got in and went to the mirror "oh whoa..." I said poking at a bruise that had formed really quickly on my cheek. I pulled out some makeup and covered it up. I then grabbed my hair brush and started brushing my hair.

I sighed finnishing with my hair and put my brush and makeup back into my bag.

The bell went signaling form time. I walked out the bathroom and went to my form room. As soon as I opened the door I saw Matt smirking at me as his girlfriend glared at me. Ignoring them I walked to my place in the back of the class room and sat down in my seat.

I looked across the class room to see my brother smiling and chatting to his friends. I then turned to my phone and went through it whilst listening to Joel Faviere - It Gets Better.

Apon scrolling through my phone a message apeared. I opened it and it read "Hey Raven" It was from my friend Damien "Hey!" I replied "I got my motorbike!" he sent "No freaking way!!" I smiled widely  "meet you where we always meet after school!"  he sent back "Hell yes!! im getting a ride, right?" i asked smiling like an idiot "Yup!  but i gotta go now!! ttyl" he sent "haha ok bye XD" I sent.

I looked up from my phone to see Matt smirking "What?" I asked "Oh nothing..." he said "then leave" I said looking back to my phone. I felt a rush of pain go to my leg. I grabbed it and looked at the now walking away Matt. he was sniggering "bloody children" I mumbled and slowly stood up. I grabbed my bag off the floor and walked-limped to my first class English.

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