Chapter Three

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"Hey, Kallie. Ready to go?" Jake asked as I stepped out of the motel front doors. I rolled my eyes at him before opening the door and getting in.

"What do you think?" I countered, buckling up and taking off my sunglasses. "Would I be here if I wasn't ready?" He laughed before driving away from the motel.

"Touche, Ghost Girl," he smiled. "Nice hat."

"Thanks." I tugged on my black bowler hat a bit, remembering my sixteenth birthday. "James gave it to me a couple years ago." As soon as I said it, I realized I hadn't told Jacob who 'James' is. "He's my step-dad, by the way. He's cool."

Jake nodded and glanced briefly at me. "What happened to your mom?"

"What's she got to do with anything?"

"Well, then, what happened to your dad in order for your mom to remarry?" I laughed at his question. I never got mad that nobody thought my dad was bisexual, it was just normal that nobody did. Until they've been told otherwise, everyone just assumes everyone else is straight. "What's so funny?"

"My dad's bisexual. James is gay. And as for my mom? That bitch wrote a book about how I was a 'devil child' for having my peculiarity. Quite the family, huh?" I said it with less joy in my voice than I was going for. In fact, the whole thing just sounded sad, and I started to play with the fraying edge of my black shorts.

Jacob nodded and we rode the rest of the way to his house in silence. I lightened the mood when I noticed he was still in his work clothes. "Cool shirt." I tugged on the sleeve of his blue polo and he batted my hand away, laughing.

"Shut up," was all he said as we finally arrived at his house. As we got out of the car, Maryann shut the door of the house behind her, dressed in fancy looking clothes and carrying a cute black handbag. "Jacob! I'm glad you're here. Hi, Kallie," she greeted us when she saw we were approaching her. She pulled each of us into a hug before carrying on. "I'm just stepping out for a bit. Jacob, your father wants to talk to you in the living room. You're going to be surprised!"

"Um, alright," he responded. I smiled as I heard the 'what did I do wrong?' tone in his voice. "When will you be back?"

"Oh, seven-ish? Renata Harrison invited me over for dinner." I looked at my watch; it was quarter-to-five.

"Your old college friend Renata Harrison? Doesn't she live like, half an hour away?" Jake asked, a little skeptical.

"Exactly why I'm leaving now, honey. Have fun, kids! But not too much fun, you hear?" I could only giggle as Jacob's cheeks reddened. With that, Maryann got into her car and drove off down the street. I knew that Jacob didn't want to be anything more than friends, but he did seem like the type that could get flustered easily. Jacob shrugged at me before opening the door, holding it open for me before entering. We kicked off our shoes in the entry and I followed Jake into what must have been the living room. There was his father, sitting on the couch and writing in a small notebook. He looked up over his glasses and stood when he saw us.

"Hi, Mr. Portman," I broke the ice. I extended a hand to him and smiled when he shook it. "I'm Kallie Sanders."

"Nice to meet you, Kallie. You can call me Franklin. I suppose you're Jake's new girlfriend, right?" I giggled and shook my head at him.

"We're only friends, Franklin. He's great, though, just not my type."

Jake looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Not your type?" That made me full-on laugh.

"Sorry, Jake, you know it's true. I like quiet, mysterious guys that seem invisible to the world." I hoped he would catch on. I know it seemed weird, but I'd only ever had a crush on one person - Seth Fowler. The thing was, he was a ghost. He was one of my best friends before he died, but car crashes are an all-too-common way to go.

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