Chapter Eleven

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We were making our way quietly toward the house when we saw Hugh and Fiona approaching. As they neared, they caught sight of us as well. Knowing there was no chance of avoiding an awkward conversation, we stepped out from the trees. "What are you two doing out here? Have you seen Emma?" Hugh asked, concern on his face, though I was sure it wasn't for Millard and me.

"Yes, she and Jacob were by the lighthouse, last we saw. And we were just talking. How about you? Has something happened?" Millard replied, pushing aside the topic of our meeting.

"One of Miss Peregrine's friends flew in about an hour ago with the devil in her eyes screaming bloody murder. Before we could gain any information, she passed right out. Something terrible has happened, I can feel it. You two best be heading off to the house now and see what's going on. We'll be back around soon." Millard and I nodded before he took my hand and we ran off towards the house.

When we arrived, the children - all stirred from their slumber - we bustling about around the door to the sitting room. I took one look at Claire and Olive, both terrified of what might have happened, and made my way over, sitting between them and letting each burrow into my sides. Before long, Jacob, Emma, Hugh, and Fiona returned.

We began discussing what might have happened, though due to our lack of knowledge of nearly everything to do with these people, Jake and I remained silent. There were various theories: they forgot to set their loop, some children escaped and aged too far forward, and one rather unsettling idea from Enoch that hollows had managed to devour each and every one of them.

"Shut up!" Hugh cried to him, noticing the horrified looks on the girls' faces, and sent him running off down the hall by a swarm of bees.

"What on earth is- was that Mr. Apiston? Where are our four deserters?" Emma cringed and I glared at Hugh.

"You told her?" Emma whispered angrily.

Hugh shrugged. "I had no choice." He then looked to Millard. "When she found out you two were gone, she nearly had a heart attack, thinking you two had been abducted. I had no choice, I'm sorry." With little more to be said, the four of us 'deserters' headed into the room, Millard resting a hand on my shoulder as we went to calm my growing nerves.

The fire in the hearth was the only source of light in the room, but it was enough to illuminate the three figures already inside. Bronwyn was there - I had been a bit worried when I hadn't seen her outside - standing next to a frail looking woman wrapped in a blanket sitting in a chair, her face looking as pale as snow. Miss Peregrine was next to her, balancing her weight on a fragile looking footstool, feeding the woman some soup.

"By God," Millard began, recognizing the woman.

"It's Miss Avocet!" Emma concluded, then the pieces fell into place. I'd seen this woman a couple times now, once when Miss Peregrine showed Jake and I some pictures from her past, and a second occurrence when Millard had taken her photo album to show it to me. She had looked so strong, though, and now she looked like she'd break into a million pieces with one touch.

Miss Peregrine gave the older woman something to drink from a flask, and for a moment, she looked like she was alright. Unfortunately, she quickly returned to her former sullen state. Miss Peregrine then turned to Bronwyn and ordered her to fetch some wine and brandy, and to also prepare the fainting couch. The girl promptly left to do so.

At last, the Headmistress turned to the four of us, still standing by the door. "Miss Bloom, Mr. Nullings, I must say, I'm incredibly disappointed in your actions. Of all the nights to sneak off, you two choose this one." Millard, always a little suck up, took a tentative step forward.

"In our defense, how were we to know anything would happen? Even I didn't see this coming, nor did Horace, I suppose. He would tell me if something like this was to happen." Miss Peregrine disregarded Millard's completely logical explanation and instead began patting down Miss Avocet's messy white hair.

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