Chapter Eight

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"I still can't believe it," Jacob began as we left the classroom. Miss Peregrine had left a few moments ago to attend to dinner and leave Jake and me some time to think. "Emma and... and my grandpa?"

"We just learned everything about these people, and you're still hung up on that? Goddamn it, Jake, I'm peculiar, a fucking syndrigast or peculiar spirit or whatever."

Jacob shrugged, a slight blush rising on his cheeks. "Okay, that is kind of cool..."

"'Kind of'," I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Crpyto-sapiens - I'm right up there with Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster! You could be, too!"

"You do know 'sapiens' refers to 'humans', right? Bigfoot could maybe be considered one, but do you seriously believe in that shit?" Jacob asked, giving me a look that was nothing short of judgmental.

Stopped and frowned at him. "Well, not particularly. But after what we learned in there, I'm not exactly sure what I should believe in anymore. And since you want to get scientific with this; if there are humans with special abilities, why can't there be other animals with them, too?" I point out. Jacob sighs and continues walking.

"I suppose you've got a point. And we did learn a lot in there. Hell, you were in tears at first." I frowned again immediately at his words and quickened my pace, pushing past him as I recounted what Miss Peregrine said about how some peculiar children were treated by their parents - the same way my mother treated me. Noticing my sudden mood change, Jacob stopped me. "Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't know that about your mom. It sucks that she was like that, you know? I think it's super cool that you can see ghosts - and now apparently invisible people - and clearly, a bunch of other people do, too."

I smiled a little, though I could tell it didn't reach my eyes. We continued walking in silence until we got to a stairway and I sat down. Jacob sat next to me. "I want to see more of the pictures in Miss Peregrine's photo album," I said, almost out of nowhere. Jacob was about to respond when a voice came from the top of the stairs.

"That can be arranged, you know." Jacob and I turn our heads to see Millard, finally wearing some clothes, though they were only pants. Well, I could see Millard. I supposed Jake would only see floating pants. Regardless, it was an improvement over nakedness, to say the least. "I suppose you're staying for dinner?" Millard asked, making his way down a few steps. Simultaneously, Jake and I stand.

"Yeah," I said, smiling a bit at the thought of meeting the others and learning about their abilities. Before Millard could say anything else, Emma appeared at the top of the stairs. 

"Come on, you two. You'd better wash off that mud before we eat." I nodded and started up the stairs, followed by Jake, then Millard. Emma remained quiet, as did the half-naked boy, so Jake and I did the same until we reached the first bathroom. "I'll take care of you," Emma said, grabbing my arm in a way that made me think 'take care of' meant 'get rid of' rather than 'help'.

Jacob cleared his throat. "Er, I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea of invisible guys yet. No offense," he quickly added, turning towards Millard but not exactly facing him.

"Jake, for all you know, he could be some kind of perv!" I exclaim.

"At least you can see him," he countered, and Millard cleared his throat.

"He makes a fair point. If I were in his position I would feel the same way. I can promise you, I will remain my composure," Millard said, sounding a bit more sarcastic as he finished speaking.

Emma rolled her eyes. "Very well, then," she started. "Come on." With that, Jacob and Emma disappeared into the bathroom. 

"Oh, joy! I'm being led to a bathroom, alone, by a shirtless guy. It's a dream come true," I let the sarcastic remark slip through my lips, only causing Millard to chuckle as we began walking down the hall towards the second bathroom.

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