The beginning

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Maya Miller, it's my name.
But, not now. I have 42 years old, and now, my name is Maya Cooper, since 2017, when I get married with my husband, Sheldon Cooper. I love our love story, so, I will tell to you.

Start like that...


-Mom, where is my checkered blouse? I need it for today's rodeo.
-Who said you were going alone? I'm going with you!
-Oh, no, mom. My friends will be there.
-So what? I go. Let's go, and it's on top of the closet.
-I don't know. The clothes are yours. Ask your sister.


When we arrived, I ran to my friends.
We were teenagers and we had a really fun group. Plus, we were at a rodeo.

What could be better? Or, what could ruin this beautiful moment? Well, unfortunately, what ruined that moment was and is my greatest joy today: my husband.

I didn't know him, but he got in the middle of the audience with his family. The problem is that he wouldn't stop complaining and yelling. From what I know today, that moment wasn't easy for him. For other Texans, it was a normal day, but for a scientist who has a phobia of crowds and germs, wow... It was a nightmare.

I complained about him to my friends, asking why he was in that place if he didn't want to be? The reality is that he was forced to be there, obviously.

I got tired and went to the bar, but I didn't drink anything, because I was aware of my age. I sat down and ordered a water, my ears couldn't take anymore of the shouting, not just Sheldon's. Surprisingly, he appeared at the bar, he was exhausted.

I turned my head to the side and saw him, I had been hating him a few minutes ago, but he looked very attractive with his messy hair and half-open shirt. I blushed and buried my face in the glass. He didn't even look at me, but I heard him talking to himself.

-I can't wait to go to college.
-Sorry, but... Aren't you a little young to be going to college? -I tried to make small talk.
-Who are you?

Your future wife.

-I'm... Maya. And you?
-Sheldon. And the answer is that I'm very smart, I have an IQ of 187, it would be a waste for me to be stuck in high school.
-Wow. Sure, sure. Well, that's pretty cool. I've never met a genius.
-Want an autograph?

At that moment I thought he was just joking, but usually geniuses don't joke around a lot. So, I just refused. We talked for a while, he told me a lot about quantum chromodynamics, it was exhausting, but I was loving looking at that beautiful face and listen that beautiful voice.

My friends found me and pulled me back to the rodeo, I gave him my phone number but I had no idea if he would call me or not.


I waited, and waited, and waited... Until I had to wait a little longer...

But one day, after a week from that day, he called me, but it wasn't him, it was his mother, she asked if I was his friend, I supposedly said yes, and she screamed out of nowhere, I laughed at that, then she handed the phone to Sheldon.

We talked a lot about physics, in the meantime, I did a little research on it. We probably talked for about three hours, it was really cool. After all that, we agreed to meet at a comic book store.


-Hi, Sheldon!

We were both thirteen years old and comic book lovers.

-Hi, Maya.
-I forgot to ask you, but what's your favorite comic?
-That's an easy one. Star Trek comic, volume 4 from 1972.
-That was pretty specific. -I laughed.

There was something about Sheldon that attracted me, and it was only after we had been friends for a while that I realized it was his intelligence. That day, I felt a shiver down my spine while we were choosing some comics to buy, and I slipped. Do you think Sheldon caught me? Of course... Not at all. I really felt a nice sting down my spine. He wasn't even inside the store, he was waiting for me outside. Oh, Sheldon!

-Okay... Well, thanks for agreeing to go out with me, I really enjoy talking to you, but my sister should be arriving soon, and I agreed that we would meet at Chuck and Cheese, so... Bye, Shelly. -I hugged him, but he didn't hug me back, he's germaphobic, but I didn't know that at the time, so I was confused.

-Bye, Maya. See you, tomorrow.
-Tomorrow? We don't even go to the same school. -I smiled.
-You are invited to dinner.
-Oh, hm, thanks. Can I bring my mom and sister?
-Sure. See you later.
-See you. -That was the first time I saw him smile. Except when he was talking about Doctor Spock. He walked away, and I could see how unique he was, especially with that little bow tie, which he wore on every occasion, along with his t-shirt and dress pants, and his suitcase. Brilliant.


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