Best friends

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In the morning, I was the first to wake up, and it was still raining heavily. Walking around the house, I saw some cute pictures of the Coopers as kids, Sheldon was really cute. I also saw a photo of the family's grandmother, Connie, she was very pretty.

I walked slowly so as not to wake the boys in the living room, and entered Georgie's room, where my sister was.

-Mandy? -She was standing, watching the window. -Are you okay?
-Yeah. Did you sleep well? -I closed the door.
-Yes. Are you worried about our house?
-Do you know what happened to Aunt Jessie's house after a storm? So, yeah.
-Don't worry. Our house is strong and protected by God.
-I wish I had your faith.
-You can, uh. -I laughed. -Just try. And... Just one question, did you like Georgie?
-Oh, I thought he was cute. And his hair, gosh, is better than mine. -She laughed.
-You're right about the hair. -Someone knocked on the door, it was him.

-Sorry to bother you girls, but I need to get my clothes to take a shower. -He said with a Texan accent.
-And do you take a shower, by any chance? -Shelly, he said, passing through the hallway. -Good morning.

-Morning... -I tried to hold back my laughter, and left the room. -Come on, Mandy.


Later, after breakfast, while watching Star Trek with Sheldon, the rain began to stop.

But before that, at breakfast, Sheldon took off his glove to shake hands with his father. I smiled softly at that moment.

After all the kindness, we left, saying goodbye to the Coopers. Am I the only one who thought that the saddest one was Georgie? I think so.

And I was right, we didn't go to school. Yay! Besides, our house was save!


At home, I continued watching Star Trek, but it wasn't the same without Sheldon.

Afterwards, I went into my sister's room, asking her a little about what she knew about Dad.

-Why do you want to know?
-I don't know. I don't know anything about him. Tell me, please.
-Ok, ok... He was a good father. He was fun, caring, but... When he drank, he would get very angry and hit our mother and me.
-The mark on your back, was it... Him?
-It was. But, one day he had a heart attack and... He died. Before you were born. You were lucky, at least you never got beaten up by a drunk man.
-I had no idea. I'm sorry.
-Okay. Come here, give me a hug. You know I love you very much, right?
-I know, your silly. -I hugged her, tightly. -I love you too.

-You like Sheldon, don't you?
-What? Shut up! He's my friend. But, I think he's handsome, but that's it.

I didn't know it yet, but it was much more than that. So much so that I married him.


Time passing, until I graduated and moved to another city. Two years later, there I was, at college in California, alone. With my mother and sister, missing me terribly and I missing them. But the one I couldn't get out of my mind was him. Sheldon.

My vacation was coming up, so I bought a ticket to Texas to get back home. I talked to everyone through technology, but in the 90s it wasn't a big deal.


A month later, I arrived in Texas, first to see my original family, then my adoptive parents, Mary and George, and my beloved brothers. How I missed you!

When I saw Sheldon, I couldn't believe it, a while ago he was just a boy in puberty, now he was already a man! It was still beautiful.

I ran and hugged him, and oddly enough he hugged me back.

-I missed you so much.
-Me too. I have a lot of news.
-Sure thing. -I laughed. -Let's go inside and you can tell me everything. -I waved to the Coopers, and walked to Sheldon's room.

-Well, you probably already know, but Mandy and Georgie are dating. As incredible as it may seem, Missy finished high school. I created a theory about the unified field, based on a dream I had, and I gained recognition, and because of that, they invited me to study in Germany.
-In... Germany? Are you going? I just got back, you can't leave me like this. -I, smile.

-Not yet. The costs would be paid by the University there, but it's really far away and I don't think I'll like warm beer.
-You don't even drink, silly. And you have to stay here with me, at least for the three months that I'm going to stay.
-I promise, Maya.
-Good, boy. -I watched him, and realized how much puberty had hit him. Before, he was smaller than me, but now he was even speaking much more roughly, and he had some hair on his face. I was really surprised, really. You know, I used to tease him about his size, but now I can't even do that anymore. To me, he's more attractive than ever. As? But the funniest thing is that he continued the same play. He continues to wear bow ties and formal clothes.

-Can I visit your college today?
-Sure. Grab Missy's clothes and wait for me outside.
-Wait, are we going by car? Like, are you going to drive?
-To your surprise, I learned. But it will only be today.
-Uh, cool! I'll get ready.

After, I took a simple white dress from Missy, with her permission, and headed towards the front yard, where Sheldon was waiting in front of the car.

-I'm ready. -At that moment, I felt him look at me in a different way, with a sparkle in his eyes, it was the most beautiful blue look I had ever seen.

-Eh... Okay, you can come in.

Along the way, I told him what I wanted to do while I was in Texas. It was hard to think that I would have to leave again.

-I haven't even left yet, and I already miss you again. I don't want to leave again.
-You are very emotional, you should focus more on your studies and what Caltech has to offer. But, I understand. I am not a rock, as people think.
-Of course not, you're sweet and cute, people who don't know you well will always think you're this and that, but you really don't care, do you? -I smiled.
-You're right. And to confirm what you said, you look really pretty.
-Hmm, thanks. Just one thing, you're never going to answer me, are you? You know... Creation and evolution?
-Oh no. Never mind, let's start a new discussion.
-No, I want the old one!
-It's old, I don't even remember anymore!
-Of course you remember, you even remember your birth!
-That's true. But don't change the subject, you... Cheater.
-Oh, God, what did you call me?

Don't panic. We used to do this all the time, even today, but it ends with sex.
When we arrived, we entered his office, and I immediately waved to Dr. Sturgis, our old friend. Very old indeed. He sat down in his chair and called me over.

-I'm going...! Ah... Who are you?
-Ah, Hi, I'm Paige. I'm friends with Sheldon here at college.
-Are we friends? -He asked.
-We are, silly.
-Well, nice to meet you. I'm Maya, Shelly's childhood friend.
-Wait, Shelly, is that your nickname? -She laughed.
-Don't make me tell her your last name.
-Shut up, Shelly.

-Can I sit down there, Paige? I wanted to hear Sheldon talk about the class.
-Damn, I can't, I'd have to go sit at the back, and I can't see very well, and acoustically this is the best seat in the room. I'm sorry.
-Nonsense. I'll let you sit in my seat, Maya.
-Are you sure, Sheldon? You'd have to go to the back of the room.
-Well, we have a dilemma... Hey, young man, I need you to get out of your seat now. -The boy looked at him, and gave up his seat.
-Wow, thanks, Shelly.
-You're welcome. Okay, but now both of you stay quiet, class is about to start.


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