Kinktober day 4 - Jaskier/Geralt - Tentacles NSFW

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Warnings - Mpreg - Eggpreg - Noncon

Waves crashed against the ship as the storm raged. "Tie yourselves to the mast lads!" The captain shouted to the crew, thuds echoed through the storm as their feet hit the deck rushing to find rope and bind one another to stable objects. Lightning lit up the dark sky as thunder cracked, the pirates' faces glew, illuminating their panicked looks in the dark.

The boat rocked side to side while waves crashed, rain and ocean spray plastered the deck, raining down upon the crew.

Lightning lit up the surrounding area once again. "Check the knots! Do not lose your mates!" The captain screamed over another clap of thunder.

The boat was thrown violently to the left, men grunted and held onto one another. One crewmate lost his footing as the boat rocked, grabbing on for anything he could he tightened his grip around a barrel that slid along with the rocking boat. Men leaned forward trying to catch him as he slid like a fish down the deck.

A lightning bolt lit up the night sky, his brows furrowed and his scream rivaled the thunder clap as the boat leaned to the side and he was thrown from the deck to slam against the portside.

Pain bubbled up inside of him as he hit the deck again, the barrel slipping from his grasp. The ship continued to rock and he slid towards the mast before another wave slammed against the starboard side.

Another wave hit, soaking him in ocean water as rain drops thudded against the deck, pelting his skin. He groaned trying to force himself up with shaking arms, as another wave crashed, he screeched as he was tossed from his knees over the edge of the ship.

Lightning lit up the night sky as his body tumbled through air, he hit the ocean with a splash just as thunder clapped. His descent into the ocean silenced so the others couldn't tell when he hit the water. His body continued to sink as the waves crashed above him, water began to fill his lungs as he tried to bring himself to the surface.

His head resurfaced as he kicked his legs, he sputtered before another wave swept him under. He forced himself above the surface of the water again before he was swept under the ship, he choked on the ocean water before he felt something grab his ankle and pull.

Everything grew dark around him, water rushing around him as he was pulled downward.

The storm continued to rage on the surface, but below the waves there was calm. Fish swam and avoided the surface while thunder clapped and lightning flashed. The sailors body was pulled under the ocean waves, a tentacle wrapped tightly around his ankle.

The boy's body was dragged through the ocean and into an underwater cave and placed upon an inner island, tentacles pressed against his chest until salt water was spewed from the sailor.

The sailor sat upright, his blue eyes filled with uncertainty. "Am I dead?" He placed his hands upon his chest, his clothes still wet. Salt water dripped from his hair. He scanned the area he was in, sparkling crystals illuminated the cave casting sparkling but inconsistent light upon the small stone island he had been placed upon. He pulled his knees into himself, allowing his feet upon the solid ground.

"No, you're not dead." A voice replied. "I saved you, you could have been dead if I hadn't saved you."

The sailor's head whipped to the side, piercing yellow eyes stared back at him. He forced himself onto his shaking legs. "Who are you, where am I?"

"My name is Geralt, and you're in my home. I saved your life, you should have more respect for me, for what I have done for you. Who are you?" He snarled as he scanned him with dark yellow eyes. Geralt pushed himself onto the rock island.

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