Kinktober day 31 - Halloween Hopper/Billy - NSFW

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Warnings - Dub-Con - Age Gap - Drunk Sex

Trick or treating was considered childish, however there were always a few teens that wanted to trick or treat. Most people didn't turn them away, they were happy to see them out and with friends dressing up and enjoying the night. They would go door to door, filling up pillow cases or jack-o-lantern shaped pails.

Billy usually thought Halloween was meant for children but this year in a new place he wanted to try something else out. He hardly knew anyone around Hawkins but he still wanted to hang around, he wanted some good snacks and he figured Max would eat all of her snacks by the end of the night with her new friends.

So Billy went out, wearing a Ghost Face mask, and going door to door.

People didn't hesitate to fill Billy's bag up, Billy happily collected snacks and a random assortment of items in his pillow case. The last house he knocked on didn't have lights on, but he didn't see a problem with at least trying.

A few seconds of silence went by before the door finally opened and the porch light flickered on. A drunk, half dressed Hopper stood in the doorway.

"Can't you see the lights are off kid?" Hopper asked, narrowing his eyes.

Billy shrugged and held out the pillow case.

Hopper cocked his head a bit, he was in a drunken state. He could hardly keep his eyes on the face of the mask. "You want a treat?" He asked with a raised brow. Billy simply nodded, the mask shining in the porch light. "Fine, come in."

Billy shrugged and followed him inside.

Hopper could tell the boy was at least seventeen if not a bit older, and if he was being honest he didn't honestly care at that moment. Billy was standing in the middle of Hopper's place, looking around. It was a bit hard to see in the mask, but he wasn't going to take it off. Billy turned to look at Hopper as he flipped his porch light back off and locked the door behind him. Before Billy could say a word Hopper pushed him onto his knees.

"W-wait.." Billy started up as he went to stand. Hopper grunted and pulled out his cock.

"You came and interrupted me when my porch light was off, that means this is the treat I have, do you want it or not?" Billy hesitated, thinking about his next move. He cocked his head a bit and then slowly pulled his mask up just enough for his mouth to be visible. He took Hopper's cock in his hand and pumped it a few times before he opened his mouth and began to suck. Hopper groaned, throwing back his head in pleasure. "God... I'm not too mad you came to my door."

Billy bobbed his head up and down, he used one hand to hold the mask at a place where it wouldn't fully come off and the other to hold himself up. Billy continued to bob, this was new but he didn't honestly dislike this.

"Ngh..." Billy grunted as Billy continued to suck. Hopper chuckled as he let the boy suck his cock.

"Fu-fuck..." Hopper groaned.

Billy continued to suck, he was honestly enjoying himself. He could have been out partying with people he hardly knew or he could be out doing drugs and drinking. Instead he was here, sucking the police chief's thick cock.

Hopper groaned as the boy took his cock deep, the sound of him gagging was music to his ears. "Fuck... Yes..."

Billy looked up at him through the mask, he wondered if he knew who he was or had no idea. Hopper bit his lip. "F-fuck.. I'm going to cum... You better swallow your treat." Hopper growled. Billy prepared himself to swallow.

Hopper began to thrust into Billy's mouth before he finally came. Billy groaned as he swallowed it, taking it happily.

Hopper stepped back after Billy finished swallowing the salty seed. Hopper chuckled as he watched the boy put his mask back on.

"If you ever see my porch light off again, I will happily give you a treat."

"Do I need to come with the mask on?" Billy asked.

"I think that may be best, better not to know who you are. Now go, I'll be sure to see you again. Get some more candy for that bag of yours."

Billy chuckled, grabbed his bag and waved as he left the police chief's home. Hopper watched the boy walk away. He grinned as he took another swig of beer, at least he got something good out of the damned night.

Billy happily walked home, wondering how many more times he was going to get a treat off the cop. He was just glad he decided to go out for Halloween rather than stay in or party.

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