Kinktober day 15 - Sharp Objects NSFW - Huntress/Sable Ward

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Warnings - Dubcon / Noncon - Object Insertion 

Huntress smiled as she began to hum, searching for her prey. She already killed the three survivors she didn't care about, the one she really wanted was hiding well but she knew very well she would get to them before they escaped her.

She continued to hum as she walked about, her hips swaying side to side as she thought about how exciting it would be for her to finally catch the one survivor she wanted.

A twig snapped behind her and she turned quickly. A big smile spread across her face as she made her way towards the sound, as she rounded a corner she spotted the outline of her future toy.

She continued to hum as she made her way towards them, she tossed a hatchet and it zoomed past Sable's head. Sable screamed as she dodged the hatchet, Huntress continued to hum in excitement as she grew closer inches away from her.

Sable tried to push further forward, tears rolling down her face. She had witnessed all of her fellow survivors die, each one being hacked up and stabbed onto hooks. She was waiting for it to happen to her.

Sable yelped as Huntress grabbed a handful of her hair.

Huntress laughed in triumph as she lifted Sable off the ground by her hair, Sable cried out grabbing for her hand. "Pl-please st-stop.. Please le-let me go."

"Oh honey, you're going to get something other than my hatchet." She replied with a chuckle as she leaned forward, then placed the hatchet just under her chin. Sable shuttered at the cold metal against her chin, the blood of the others staining her neck and chin. Huntress laughed as she swung her weapon over her shoulder and began to drag Sable towards her cabin.

Sable tried to keep up while being dragged by her medium length hair, she sobbed as her feet came out from under her and she was pulled through the grass and mud. "Please!"

Huntress brought her inside and dropped her onto the bed. Huntress brought her weapon up, laying it between her clothed breasts. "I'm going to give you a choice, dear."

"Wh-what?" Sable's eyes didn't move from the hatchet laying on her chest. "Ch-choice?"

"I can start cutting you up now, or you and I can have some fun together and if I am satisfied after all of this, then I won't cut you as badly."

Sable nodded at the response. "O-okay..."

"What a good girl," she said with a big smile. "Now take off your clothes."

Sable got up once the hatchet was moved off her chest, and began to undress at her orders. "Y-yes ma'am."

Huntress grinned as she watched Sable pull off her top and exposed her breasts, Huntress hummed in pleasure. "That is a good girl."

Sable pulled off her skirt, and then her panties. "Pl-please..."

"You signed up for this," Huntress smiled, "I can start cutting you up instead."

Sable shivered as Huntress pointed towards the floor, she slowly dropped to her knees watching her with wide eyes. "Lick."


"Lick the blood off my hatchet."

Sable nodded softly, she slowly opened her mouth, her tongue shakily moved towards the cold metal. The taste of iron was jarring, she whimpered as she continued to lick the blade. "That's a good girl." Huntress said with a wide smile. "Keep cleaning it up."

Sable continued to lap at the blood that stained the hatchet, Huntress hummed holding the weapon up for Sable. She used her free hand to pull her skirt off. Sable looked up at her with big pale blue-green eyes before looking towards her ready pussy. Sable pulled back to take a breath and Huntress looked over the weapon. "I think that's good enough, now eat me out pet."

Sable nodded and began to lap at Huntress's dripping pussy, Huntress grinned grabbing a fistful of her hair and pushing her further forward. "Come now, keep eating me out."

She nodded softly, her tongue sliding in and out of her wet folds. Huntress pulled her back to examine her carefully. "Open your mouth."

Sable nodded, her purple lipstick was smeared across her lips, her mascara running down her face. Huntress spit in Sable's open mouth before pushing her cunt back on Sable's tongue. The girl lapped at the killer, moaning and whining.

Huntress laughed as she pulled her top free, her large breasts bouncing as she pulled the fabric from her chest. "Pretty girl." Huntress muttered as she picked her back up and tossed her onto the bed. Sable let out a gasp as Huntress brought her hatchet just under her neck, holding it close while sliding a few fingers inside of her. "You're mine now."

Sable squirmed as Huntress slid another finger inside her while holding the blade to her neck. "Pl-please..."

Huntress smiled as she slowly ran the hatchet down her chest and placed the hilt of the hatchet against her wet pussy. "W-wait please..."

"You'll take this." Huntress mumbled as she began to slide the handle inside of her. Sable spasmed, her cunt stretching with the wood being slid inside of her.


"Good girl, you're going to handle this so well. My hatchet deserves such treatment."

Sable cried out as she was filled with the handle of the blade, she continued to slide it in and out of her while playing with her clit. "F-fuck..."

Huntress laughed as she continued to slide it inside of her, pulling it so it was nearly out of her pussy before sliding it back inside. Sable's belly bulged at each thrust downward. Sable gasped out as she was continually played with. Sable's legs shook as she was fucked with the weapon before she came around it.

Huntress laughed as she pulled the hilt of the weapon out before she turned it around. "Rub yourself against this."

Sable whined as she began to hump the dull side of the blade. Huntress grinned, humming while Sable moaned and begged. Huntress toyed with her nipples and clit while she humped the blade. "F-fuck.."

Huntress grinned as she finally pulled the blade away and dropped Sable back to her knees. Sable leaned forward licking her captures dripping cunt. Huntress smiled, sliding her clit over Sable's tongue. "Good girl. You'll please me and my hatchet."

Sable nodded crying as she lapped at her, she was trapped now, licking cunts and blades.

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