Kinktober day 18 - Deal - Eddie/Steve

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Warnings - Dub-Con sorta - Age Gap

Steve sighed, he wasn't sure where else to go, after getting kicked out by his parents after just graduating high school and he knew he had to find somewhere to go. He was unwilling to stay on the streets and he had to find something. Walking the town with nothing but a duffle bag and a backpack filled with anything he was allowed to take with him he spotted an apartment complex.

Steve let out a sigh of thanks and headed for the office door. It said open.

As Steve walked in he smiled big, the landlord was in.

"Hello, do you happen to have any apartments left?"

"I do actually, come look."

The man stood and began to walk towards the door to go back to the apartments. "One bedroom, two?"

"One is fine."

"Alright come alone, my name is Eddie and you are?"


"Alright Steve, I can show you what I have." Eddie walked him towards a first level apartment nearest to the office. "This is my one bedroom and the cheapest."

"When you say cheap, how cheap?"

"250 a month."

Steve lowered his head a bit. "Sorry for wasting your time... I couldn't afford that..."

Eddie looked him over. "Tell you what, I have another way you can live here but you have to agree to my rules for it."

Steve cocked his head. "Anything, I promise I can help around the grounds, I ca-."

"I will let you live here for free, as long as you pay me in another way. You have to sign a year contract to accept this as well, make it worth my time."

Steve looked him up and down. "Pay you in another way?"

"Let me fuck you whenever I want, or whenever I would need to fix something, and you can live here."

Steve's eyes widened in surprise. "Wh-what?"

"I'll let you live here for free, you keep the money you get from whatever job you get, and you please me when I ask."

"S- So you want me to let you fuck me, and you'll let me just live here?"


Steve's eyes were wide, his mouth in an o. "This is serious?"

"I am serious."

"Can I look around the apartment?"

"Yes." Eddie said with a grin. He watched him as he looked into the bathroom, the kitchen, and the bedroom. "There is a washer and dryer in that closet there."

Steve opened the door and smiled, this could be something if he had some time to make it, a year of not paying for anything but food and whatever he wanted, he could certainly build a savings up if he found a steady job.

"When you say sex, what are you thinking?"

"Blowjobs, anal, the works you know, but of course it's up to you to agree. You gotta sign the contract, but it's when I want, and you have to let it happen."

Steve nodded in understanding. "This whole apartment?"


"O-okay yeh. I'll do that."

Eddie smiled wide. "Let me go grab a contract, come on."

Steve smiled, he could handle a bit of sex to get a free apartment for a year. Eddie opened the door for him and let him inside. Steve sat in the office waiting for him to pull the contract out. Steve let out a soft sigh realizing that he was truly going to have to just open his legs for this man whenever he wanted but he wasn't really against that. He could handle a bit of fucking for a free place to live.

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