Chapter 7 - Sunday

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It was well past dinner time when She heard the knock. Putting the bookmark in her book she went to open the door. In the doorway, sky darkening behind him, stood a pastor. It was obvious he was a pastor. He had the dog collar on and everything. He seemed to be quite a young man. Bright red hair curling like a halo around his head. Beneath his long jacket she could see the shirt was not the traditional black but a much more modern pinstripe royal blue. He was carrying a soft leather briefcase, that looked more like Abediah's old music bag.

'Good evening Mrs Thornton,' he said holding out his hand towards her. 'Pastor John from the church in town. Lovely to meet you. How are you?' The words all rushed out together as if he was in a hurry to get everything out before he forgot something.

'Good evening Pastor, do come in,' she said, motioning for him to take a seat at the kitchen table. She closed the door and headed around again to the kettle. It crossed her mind that it might be a good idea to fill the kettle first thing in the morning since she seemed to be having so many visitors. She reached up to the cookie jar only to find it empty. Did Mrs Stratton even have a cookie? She couldn't remember seeing her eating.

'What can I get for you Pastor John,' she said, turning back towards him.

'Actually I've not long had dinner Mrs Thornton, a glass of water will be lovely. Thank you.' Abediah heaved a sigh of relief and headed to the fridge to fill glasses of water for them both. She put the jug on the table in case they wanted a refill.

'I think you met Mrs Stratton yesterday,' started the Pastor. 'Quite a force of nature our Mrs Stratton, did you get everything sorted out for the songs?'

'Yes thank you Pastor. Was there something else we needed to do?' she asked, sitting down opposite him.'I just wanted to check, Mrs Thornton, whether you had any particular readings or things in mind for Frank's day.'

Frank's day! As if it was going to be a celebration, a birthday perhaps, or confirmation maybe.

She took a deep breath. If you can't be honest with a Pastor, she thought, who on earth can you be honest with!'To be honest Pastor John, I haven't a clue what Frank would have wanted.' The pastor looked a little shocked for a second but quickly rallied. He placed on his face a careful listening look. Perhaps the face he uses for confession, thought Abediah. Do pastors do confession? She wondered. She quickly brought herself back on track. 'My husband never liked church you see,' she said carefully. 'He never wanted us to go. It never crossed my mind he'd want a church funeral!' A little of her exasperation escaped from her voice. 'So, I really haven't a clue what's the right thing to do.' She ended on rather a pleading tone, hoping the Pastor would, like Mrs Stratton, be able to solve the problem himself.

The pastor nodded slowly. 'It's quite common actually Mrs Thornton,' he said, his words finally slowing to an almost normal speed. 'Thinking of their last moments brings people to thinking of their mortality and thoughts of the afterlife and heaven inevitably come to the fore.'

'I wouldn't worry too much,' he continued. 'You can't go far wrong really. Best wishes in heaven is really all most of us hope for I think, don't you?' he asked, looking into her face, the question hanging in the air.

Abediah wasn't sure she believed in heaven. But she also hadn't really been thinking much about her own mortality, despite Frank's death, so she couldn't say for sure what she would be thinking about should such a moment arrive. She decided that the pastor probably knew more about these things than she did.

'I'm happy to follow your guidance on this matter Pastor,' she said. She felt better leaving these things in the hands of people who seemed to have a better handle on what was right for her husband than she did.

The pastor nodded and took out his bible. Another labeller, she noted.

'I'm sorry to keep you so late Mrs Thornton,' said the Pastor as he was leaving. 'Busy day today, I'm sure you can guess,' he added, with a rare smile. He nodded, waved in her general direction and was gone.

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