Chapter 30 - Friday

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When Abediah left Winnie's office the police cruiser was parked beside her blue truck. DeeDee and Rita were leaning on the bonnet chatting. DeeDee waved happily when she saw Abediah.

'We thought this was your truck! Are you finished?'

'Yes, did you need me for something?'

'Well, we're off to the cafe for lunch. We saw your truck and wondered if you'd like to come with us?' Abediah was a bit taken aback by this unexpected kindness but was delighted that her young friends would choose to spend more time with her.

'That sounds lovely!'

'OK, but can we walk there?' behind DeeDee Abediah saw Rita crack a smile, it suggested that getting exercise wasn't the only reason DeeDee fancied a walk. 

'Sure!' she said, curious to find out more. The three women took up most of the sidewalk as they walked up the street and into the town centre. DeeDee seemed to bounce with more and more excitement the closer they got to the main street.

'Are you alright DeeDee? Do you need the bathroom?' This made Rita snort with laughter. DeeDee shook her head but had a big smile on her face. Rita leaned in close to Abediah's shoulder as the two watched DeeDee bounce on. 

'She's excited to see her crush!'

'OOooo a crush!' said Abediah under her breath. 'Who is it?'

'It's the guy that works at the hardware store. Apparently they went to school together, but he's a bit older.' Abediah scanned through several faces in her head. She often visited the hardware store to order supplies for the farm. She couldn't think of a young man though. 

'What's his name?' she asked. Rita shrugged. Now approaching the corner where the hardware store was DeeDee had slowed right down. The other two caught up with her and stood watching her try to peek through the window surreptitiously. 

'Just go in and say hi!' said Abediah, leading in over DeeDee's shoulder. DeeDee squealed a little, realising that she'd been found out. Although, it wasn't like she was doing a good job of hiding it!

'You have said hi, right?' she added. She looked at Rita, who was shaking her head. Deciding to take matters into her own hands Abediah raised herself to her full confident height and strode around the corner and right into the shop, motioning the two police officers to follow her just before she went through the door. 

'Afternoon Mrs Thornton!' came a call from the back of the store. It was George the owner. He was about twenty years younger than Abediah, she'd known him most of his life and his father before him as the shop ran in the family. 

'Afternoon George. Just you today?' The door swung open behind her and Rita and DeeDee entered, DeeDee with a certain level of trepidation. 

'Nah, Fin's in the back. Hard to get him to do any work though. Too busy working on furniture.'

'Furniture, you say? What, does he fix it?' She looked around the store and clocked DeeDee and Rita pretending to check out the power tools.

'No, Mrs Thornton, he makes it!'

'Really? How wonderful!'

'Yeah, well, he's very good and has a lot of loyal customers but,' the man stopped and shook his head. 'He's probably going to pick that over the shop though,' he sighed and Abediah nodded her head. 

'Well, does it have to be him?' George looked at her with a bit of a strange look. Clearly the idea of picking a different successor had never crossed his mind. Abediah decided to change the subject and continue on her fact finding mission. 

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