Chapter 29 - Thursday

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'I hope you don't mind Abediah, I asked my sister-in-law to join us. She's a bit better with technology than me.'

Louise and Abediah were standing outside the only phone shop in town. As Louise motioned down the street Abediah saw DeeDee running towards them. 

'I'm sorry I'm late!' she said, arriving breathlessly. 

'Your sister-in-law?' asked Abediah.

'DeeDee mentioned she'd met you, I hope it's OK?' said Louise. 

'Yes of course, it's lovely to see you DeeDee.'

DeeDee, still panting, nodded. 'She married my big brother,' she explained. 

'Ah, I see. So you're the technology whizz then?'

'No, I wouldn't say that! I can use a phone though, anyone can right?' said DeeDee shrugging at Louise. Louise rolled her eyes, shook her head and moved towards the glass door of the store. 

'Let's go in shall we?'

Inside the shop was light and airy. There was a variety of bits of technology to look at, technically speaking it probably wasn't a phone shop. Perhaps more of an electrical goods shop. Abediah could recognise the kettles, one or two speakers and at the back some big goods like washing machines. At the front of the shop, taking pride of place, the phones were laid out on pedestals. There seemed to be a lot to choose from. Walking around the tables Abediah couldn't see a single one that looked like her old phone. 

'I don't think I'm going to be able to replace mine,' she said. This was what she had been worried about, and why she had asked Louise for help. From the back of the shop a man appeared, he looked like he might be DeeDee's age, although Abediah thought he looked like he was trying to be much younger. The man was round, and wore shorts and a t-shirt that was far to big, even for him. His hair was shoulder length and curly and he had a big beard. 

'DeeDee!' he said as he crossed the room, 'how's it going?'

'Winston! I didn't know you worked here.'

'Totally! Like, forever, took over from my Dad.'


'Whatcha here for?' he asked, glancing over at the two women who were looking at him with curiosity.

'Ah, Ok.' DeeDee held out her hand to introduce them, 'Winston, Mrs T. Mrs T, Winston. Winston went to school with Clint and I, Mrs T, although, he was kinda the brainy one in class right?' she said, nodding towards Winston. Winston wasn't listening, he was focused on Louise.

'And this lovely lady is?'

DeeDee jumped in before Louise could say anything. 'My sister-in-law Winston! She's married to Seb!' Winston was visibly disappointed. 

'Aw man!' he said, 'he always did have great taste though!'

DeeDee decided a change in subject was in order, especially as Louise looked like she was about to give Winston an education. 'Winston, we need your help, man.'

'Oh yeah? Sure, whaddya need?' he said, taking a last up and down look at Louise before turning back to DeeDee.

'Mrs T needs to upgrade her phone.'

'Gotcha, cool, cool,' he said nodding. 

'What do you have now Mrs T?'

Abediah handed over her phone. Winston looked a bit surprised, he whistled as he turned the phone over in his hand. 'Bit of an antique you've got here Mrs T,' he said.

'Exactly Winston, that's why she needs an upgrade!' said DeeDee with exasperation.

'Well whadaya have in mind Mrs T? I've got Apples, Samsungs, Google Pixels. I've got some Chinese model's if that's your thing.' Abediah just looked at him. The man was saying words, but she hadn't a clue if they were real words. He'd said something about an apple? Surely there wasn't a phone shaped like an apple?

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