Chapter 28 - Tuesday

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Abediah and Charlie had decided to meet at the Holtby and Cope office before walking together with Winnie to the bank. The bank was just five minutes down the street from the office, but the building was quite different. Rather than the shop front of the lawyer's offices the bank had two columns in front of the door, it was one of the oldest buildings in town and had been built to look imposing and expensive.

The interior suggested old luxury. Abediah remembered coming here years ago, there had been big chairs upholstered in leather and a lot of people coming and going. These days the bank was much quieter, the leather seats had gone and the only bank teller on the desk was sitting behind a large sheet of transparent plastic. 

The teller saw the three women enter the bank, not surprising since they were the only customers. She yelled something and smiled and waved. It turned out that she had been yelling for the bank manager. 

Moments later a man pushed open a door at the far end of the room and approached them. The man was wearing a grey suit. He wasn't particularly tall but was quite thin. His grey hair matched his suit. He seemed very carefully put together. 

'Good afternoon Mrs Holtby-Cope,' he said, holding out his hand as he crossed the room. His voice was small, it wasn't accompanied by a smile but rather a very serious face. 

'Good afternoon Bentley, it's lovely to see you again. Karen said your wife is nearing her due date?' This seemed to put the put the banker into a sort of flurry, perhaps reminding him of something he had been trying to forget. 

'Yes that's right Mrs Holtby-Cope, she's due next week. She's been off work for two months now, but she just keeps getting bigger! They took her in to hospital, but what if something goes wrong?' The banker seemed extremely worried. 

Abediah and Charlie looked at each other, Charlie shrugged, they weren't quite sure what was going on. 

'No need to worry Bentley, really,' said Winnie in a calming voice, tapping his shoulder. 'She's in exactly the right place isn't she? They're keeping a close eye on her.'

'Yes, yes,' said the banker, nodding his head and looking down at the ground. As he did so his whole body seemed to bend, he seemed to shrink before them.

'Really, try not to worry, I'm sure she will be fine,' said Winnie again, using her hand to try and bring him up straight. This seemed to shake the banker out of his worries and bring him back to the current time and place. 

'Oh, I'm so sorry!' he said, as if noticing Abediah and Charlie for the first time, 'it's just such a worrying time.'

Abediah nodded her head, not really understanding but trying to be supportive. 'It's no problem,' she said. 

'Bentley, this is Mrs Thornton, she is Mr Frank Thornton's widow,' said Winnie. This last part was said more quietly as though reminding the banker of a previous conversation. 

'Yes, of course, Karen called yesterday. Lovely to meet you Mrs Thornton, although I wish it were under better circumstances.' He held out his hand towards her. After shaking hands the banker took the three women back through the door he had come through and down a narrow corridor before bringing them to a meeting room. Although the décor was bland the chairs and large table were grand. The banker motioned to a small table in the corner of the room.

'Please help yourselves to coffee, tea, as you like,' the three women nodded. 'Mrs Thornton do you have your Drivers Licence and your husband's death notice?'

'Yes, one moment,' Abediah reached into the pocket of her coat to retrieve the documents. 

'Karen mentioned that you are hoping a safe will be inside the box?'

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