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Hey guys, so this is a Kurtx(fem)Reader where you and Kurt have been friends since you were kids, and that became even more of a relationship when you both realized you were mutants. The two of you are in Germany, since this is before Kurt was found by Xavier, and you are camping out in some old building. 

P.S. (Y/S/P)= your super power

You lied in bed with your eyes wide open after your nightmare. They'd become a common thing now, though you weren't sure as of why. You looked beside you and saw Kurt fast asleep, his fuzzy blue face resting cutely against the ground as he snored. A smile came across your face when he sniffed and then left his mouth ajar, his snores becoming louder. Strands of his black hair draped across his face and you shook your head. 

It was true that you'd had a crush on Kurt Wagner since you met him, but you were sure that he saw as nothing more than a sister. You felt the same though; Kurt was truly like a brother in the sense of protective, advice giving love, but you really wished that you two could be more than that. Letting out a sigh, you got up and walked towards your little food pile before realizing how low it was. When your stomach growled, you bit your lip and held your hand against it. "Damn..." you muttered before looking back at sleeping Kurt. 

"I could always surprise him," you thought silently. You nodded and grabbed your shoes by the door as well as your jacket. 

Taking one more look back, Kurt was still sound asleep and that was your admission to going out to get food. You and Kurt had made a pact a while back that the two of you would never go out without the other since it was pretty dangerous for you two, being mutants and all. Germany wasn't too bad about attacking mutants, but with the uprising it was becoming more and more dangerous. People taking mutants and experimenting on them; governments trying to be the first to have the ultimate weapon in their armies. The thoughts made you shiver while you walked into the small store. 

It was small mainly because it had been made specifically for the homeless and the food was much cheaper than anywhere else. When you reached into your jacket pocket, you pulled out a 10 dollar bill and realized it was all the money you had. You got what you could before paying and leaving with the bag in your hand. You felt as if you were being followed while you walked back to you and Kurt's warehouse and you knew what that meant. 

Dropping the bag, you whirled around and held up your fists, ready for a fight. "Who's there?!" you demanded into the darkness. 

"Why don't you show me how strong you really are, mutant?!" the last word came out as if it had been venom in the person's mouth, the German accent helping with that. You shook your head and continued looking around as well as listening; you had become rather sensitive with your senses while being on the run with Kurt. "Well that's too bad. It was your one ticket out."

A figure walked forward and you saw how deformed his face was before you saw the gun in his hand. He gave a smug look before raising it up and aiming at you. You panicked and grabbed the bag before racing towards the warehouse. A shot rang through the darkness and you felt a sharp pain your leg before you fell to the ground. The bullet hadn't hit the bone or anything, but it had gone clear through your calf muscle. You cried out in pain and looked at the man as he walked towards you. 

"Just use your powers to save you, mutant!"

"I only use them if it's my only option!" you groaned through your teeth. 

You felt the mussel of the gun against your head. "It is, little one" he sneared before you heard the click of the hammer click. Whirling around, you used you (Y/S/P) abilities to stun the man and get him away from you. (If your power is more of a self thing just imagine it does something to others as well) You gritted your teeth and saw him smirking again as he got up. "See?" he coughed up a bit of blood while looking at you and staggering towards you. "That wasn't hard was it?" he was soon right next to you again. "It's too bad I hate your kind..." he muttered while the holding the gun out again. 

A plum of smoke formed in front of you and you saw Kurt crouched on the ground in front of you, his tail flicking slightly. "Back away und no one will be harmed." His voice rolled out of his throat in more of a growl than anything before the man backed up a bit. The man turned tail and ran off before Kurt looked back at you. "Are you alright, Fraulein?" he whispered while helping you into a sitting position. You held your leg in pain before he glanced down. "Let's get home," he said while holding you closer. You grabbed the bag before he teleported you back to the warehouse. 

When he went and flicked on the lights, you saw how much the teleporting had tolled on him. "Kurt-"

"I'm fine, (Y/N)" he smiled and walked back to you with some old rags. He tied them around your wound and looked at you. "Don't scare me like dat. Not ever again."

You nodded and looked at him in a daze. You shook your head and touched his nose with your finger before smiling. The two of you laughed a bit and he held you in his arms. He squeezed you tightly, as if he'd never let go. "Kurt...need...air..." you mumbled before he loosened his grip, but still didn't let go.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly before resting his head on your shoulder while you did the same. 

His blue fuzz tickled your nose and you smiled. "Hey Kurt?"


"I..." you paused for a second, not wanting to ruin your friendship.

He squeezed you and chuckled a bit. "Ich liebe dich auch, meine Liebe." You blushed and hugged him tighter while smiling, soon dozing off on his shoulder.

For the record, sorry this one isn't that great, and the last line is in German and can be translated with google translate. Hope it was decent... Til later!

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