Captian AmericaxReader(ish...)

455 8 3

Hey, so if you noticed the ish up there, that's because it's not really romantic at all. You may also want to be prepared to hurt a little after reading this o-o Sorry. 

You knocked on the door of Stark Towers and stood waiting. Tony Stark opened the door and looked at you questioningly, "Who are you?"

"I'm here to talk to Steve Rogers. Is he here?"

"Yeah, but I still gotta know who you are."

"My name is (Y/F/N). Now, may I see him?"

Tony looked you up and down again before shrugging. "CAP! Some girl is here to see you!"

When you walked in, you were in awe by the interior of the tower. Looking around, you didn't notice Steve walk in, but he froze in his spot. "B-Betsy?"

You whirled around, knocking over a lamp, but quickly catching it and replacing it onto the nightstand. "Not quite," you breathed out; looking back Steve's way. He was frozen, stuttering as he looked at you. "She was my great-grandmother. My mom says I look a lot like her, and we did have a quite a few photos for comparison." Steve was now standing barely 2 inches from you, and though he towered over you, you stared straight ahead. "Um...I know this may seem weird but... I wanted to give you this." You held out a small, leatherbound journal. "It was hers, and I figured there's some entries you would want to see. That and I really wanted to meet the man that she had really loved. I'm sorry if I've caused you any-"

He cut you off by pulling you into a deep hug; her journal fell to the ground along with Steve's tears. The page that laid open was the last one she had written in.

"September 12, 1978

This will most likely be my final entry. The doctors say I don't have much time left, so I want to leave this one last note behind to tell my story and fill any holes I left behind. 

Steve Rogers, I don't know where you are; but I know you're alive. I can feel it. I don't know when you will come back, but when you do, I hope you will see this and know that I always loved you. I never stopped loving your cute smile and laugh. 

You were my hope even before you held that shield. That hope, unlike me, never died. 

I love you, Steve. I hope to see you someday again. 

-Betsy Ross (Y/L/N)

"Thank you, for doing this. Thank you." Steve sobbed into your hair.

"I understand why she loved you so much. I'm just happy to have given you something to remember her." You whispered, closing your eyes and smiling into his chest.

It's short too but ahwell. If you guys want a part two, romantic or not, just let me know. And don't forget to give me your ideas!! Until next time, guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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