1: ball date

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Ac's heart raced as she walked across the school soccer field, gripping the box containing the cake she'd painstakingly baked the night before.

Her hands were slightly shaky, not from the weight of the cake, but from the nervousness creeping up inside her.

She had spent hours perfecting every detail—hoping that this small gesture would convince Maven to be her date for the upcoming student ball.

“Okay, kaya mo 'to, Ana. It's just Maven” She whispered to herself, trying to calm the butterflies in her stomach.

But it wasn't just Maven.

She was her best friend, the girl she had silently loved for years. This proposal felt like more than just a simple invitation—it was Ac's heart laid bare.

She's now ready to take the risk, trying wouldn't hurt right?

As she approached the field where Maven was, she noticed a gathering crowd and heard the excited whispers of students. Analein slowed her pace, her heart beginning to pound faster.

“Sino kaya‘yon?”

“OMG, ang cute ng scene!”

"Kung ako ang nasa lugar niya, namatay na ko sa kilig!"

Ac blinked in confusion. The commotion was on the other side of the field, and she could hear the familiar sound of students squealing and giggling.

The excitement seemed contagious, but for some reason, her stomach twisted into knots.

As she came closer, her worst fears were confirmed. There, in the middle of the field, was Maven—on her knees.

And opposite her, standing with a look of surprise and delight, was Jaimie.

Ac's breath hitched in her throat as she froze in her tracks. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

“M-Maven—” She whispered to herself, her voice barely audible as the cake box slipped from her fingers, crashing softly onto the grass.

She barely noticed the cake—her eyes glued to the scene unfolding in front of her.

Was she too late?

“I've always liked you, Jaimie” Maven's voice rang out, clear and full of hope. "Now that I have the courage to ask you this, I won't waste time telling you" She smiled.

“Will you be my date for the student ball?”

Ac's s heart shattered in that instant. She felt the ground shift beneath her, her legs weakening as she stood just steps away from them.

Huli na nga...

The excitement of the crowd, the joyful look on Maven's face, and Jaimie's wide-eyed smile—it was too much.

"Of course, Maven!  Yes, I'd love to!” Jaimie's laughter filled the air as she nodded eagerly.

The crowd erupted in cheers, but all Ac could hear was the dull thudding of her heart as it cracked in her chest.

She wanted to run, to disappear before Maven could see her, but it was too late.

“Cress” Maven's voice called out, her bright eyes scanning the crowd until they landed on her. “Ac! Halika dito!”

Analein swallowed hard, her throat tight. She forced a smile, trying to act normal despite the heavy weight pressing down on her chest.

She couldn't let Maven see how much this was tearing her apart. She should be happy, she should act tough.

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