4: unexplainable feeling

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I thought it would pass—that Ac was just tired and stressed about her book project.

It had to be that, right?

But days turned into weeks, and the distance between us grew. She wasn't just avoiding me after the soccer field incident; it became a pattern.

The usual after school rides together at home? Gone.

The late night conversations? None.

Even her texts were shorter, almost mechanical.

She's busy— she become more busier for the past weeks. Writing a new book, her studies, her duties. She's piled up— we're all piled up.

And I noticed it every time I was with Jaimie. It was like Cress was always somewhere in the background, keeping her distance— doing a project either.

At first, I didn't think much of it, thinking she was just busy with her deadlines, but the more I saw her pulling away, the more I realized something had shifted.

There's other reason and I'm having a hard time to know it.

The ball was fast approaching, and while I should've been excited, especially because Jaimie had agreed to be my date, a dull weight settled in my chest.

I couldn't bear to be happy.

Ac still hadn't found a date. She used to joke about it, saying she didn't care much about these things, but this time, I wasn't so sure.

I hated the thought of her going alone, especially when I'd see her around school, always with Ken by her side.

They laughed together, shared looks—something was different, and I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe I was the one being left out.

Ako dapat 'yon.

Finally,  days before the ball, I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to talk to her. I missed her.

After our last class, I spotted her by the lockers, getting ready to leave.

Her expression was focused, but her face softened when she saw me approaching. Still, the usual warmth in her eyes wasn't there.

“Cress” I called out, my voice a little quieter than I intended, but it was enough to catch her attention.

She looked up, her fingers still fumbling with her things. “Hey, Mavs” She said, her tone neutral, like we hadn't been drifting apart these past few weeks.

I swallowed, trying to hide the unease in my voice. “Uh, ready ka na for the ball?”

“Yeah” She replied, throwing a casual glance at her phone. “I'm going with some of our blockmates. It'll be fine.”

I frowned, stepping closer. “You don't have a date?”

She gave me a small, tired smile, like she had been expecting the question. “Wala, but it's fine. I don't need a date, Maven. I'll have fun with the others.”

I didn't know what to say. It wasn't like Ac to come to these kinds of events alone.

A big part of me wanted to insist that she deserved to have someone by her side, but another part of me—the part that had been too focused on Jaimie—felt guilty.

Maybe I should have asked her to be my date.

“Pero, it's the ball” I said, trying to keep my voice light. “You deserve to have a great time. I'm just worried about you going alone.”

She blinked, looking at me like she was trying to figure out what to say. “Zelle, it's really okay. Don't worry about me.”

Her words stung more than I expected. The way she said it felt so final, like I had made my choice and she was making hers.

I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could, a familiar voice interrupted us.

“Ana's not going alone,” Ken said, stepping in from behind me. “I'll be her date.”

I turned, surprised to see him there. He had this easy smile on his face, the same one he always wore when he was around Cress.

It was almost as if this was all planned out, but— I couldn't shake off the sudden wave of jealousy that surged inside me.

Ac looked relieved, flashing him a grateful smile. “Thanks, Ken. You're always saving me.”

My heart clenched at her words. There it was again—that look between them that made me feel like I was intruding on something I wasn't part of.

I forced a smile, trying to be happy for her. This was Analein, my best friend.

I should be glad she wasn't going alone, right?

But deep down, all I could think was 'sana ako nalang'  if I hadn't asked Jaimie first.

I shook the thought away, pushing the feeling down, burying it under layers of confusion.

Why do I even feel this way? Cress was my best friend, and she seemed happy now that Ken was going with her.

I had no right to feel jealous right?

I cleared my throat, glancing between the two of them. “Well, uh, that's good, then. At least you won't be alone, Cress.”

She gave me another one of those small smiles, but it didn't reach her eyes. “Yeah— thanks, Mavs.”

Ken shifted, adjusting the strap of his bag. “We should probably get going. See you at the ball, Maven.”

“Yeah, see you” I replied, though my voice felt distant, almost hollow.

As they walked away, I stood there, rooted to the spot.

I watched the way Ken stayed close to her, how easily they fell into conversation, and for the first time in years, I felt like I wasn't my best friend's first choice anymore.

When I turned away, I realized something I hadn't wanted to admit to myself before;

I missed her.

Not just in the usual way best friends miss each other, but in a way that made my heart ache—like something important was slipping through my fingers, and I didn't know how to hold onto it.

And I hate that feeling.

a day before the ball

Jaimie was waiting for me at the bus stop later that day, smiling when she saw me approach.

She looked stunning, her hair down, her dress already picked out for the ball. But as we walked to the bus, all I could think about was Cress.

Jaimie nudged me, her voice light and teasing. “Mavs, you okay? You've been quiet.”

I blinked, forcing myself to focus on her. “Yeah, sorry. Just a lot on my mind.”

Jaimie smiled, squeezing my hand. “Well, the ball is tomorrow. We'll have a great time, promise.”

"Of course, we will" I forced a smile.

"Great, I'm excited for tomorrow's event already!" She beamed, eyes were shining.

"Me too" I smiled back, trying to match her excitement, but inside, something didn't feel right.

The ball was supposed to be special, but how could I enjoy it knowing my best friend was slipping away from me?

Why do I feel this way?

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